Alcohol the night before a match


The avuncular one
Okay, question out of interest. How many of us have a couple of beers or glasses of wine the day before a match?

After experimentation I have pretty much set a rule for myself of no alcohol 2 days before a game. Seems to help my concentration!

Curious as to what others do?
A&H International
I try to never drink before a game, I had to attend an event before and caved into drinking and felt terrible the next day. The less said about how the game went the better. It may be because I seem to suffer from hangovers pretty badly compared to the people, i know some people who can drink a shed load and wake up as fresh as a daisy.

It's going to be tough at the end of the month as I've got three AR games on fri, sat and sun and on the fri evening I've got a Regimental Boxing night to go to followed by our Sgt's Mess Crimbo do on Sat. Urgh.
Nice! Guessing alcohol is mandatory in them dos?

Has your game been pulled yet for tomorrow? (Unless your game has been changed) that pitch you have tomorrow is a nightmare when the rain kicks in
It's not mandatory but very hard to resist, there will be lots of free beer available.

Not as yet but fully expecting a call in the morning, the firsts are away in the WWFA cup so they should be on the main pitch. Not a chance of the other pitch being on.
I once had a few drinks the night before and never again, its just lucky I was only on u12s line the next day :)
I have yet to see someone attend a boxing night or Sgts Mes do and not have a drink! Even the boys waiting on in the mess have one or two at the end of the night. Or at least, they certainly used to.
I'll often had a one or two the night before (have had 1 tonight so far, will likely have one more) but never get battered. I don't suffer from hangovers hardly, but still wouldn't do it.

Have twice done lines having drunk heavily the night before. To be fair, I was quality on both (75 on assessment from one, which is a good line mark at my level!), but never again!
Never played while hungover, but did a BFT while still hungover once. Not my best time recorded, I have to say. Its one of those things that you only do once. Honest;)
Only once have I got a little bit battered the night before a game. Luckily I was on the line and was a really quiet game so didn't have to do a lot. Since then I've not touched a drop on the eve of a game.
I don't mind as long as I have at least 2 hours between drink and match and then I'd only have one. I think two days is a bit much -- what do you do at national and international cup competitions when there's a match every day and a drink every night?!
2 days is just what works for me mate. If I have games on consecutive days then it is soft drinks only until after the last game... Then it's beer time (usually 2 pints and I am ready or bed!) - might be a bit extreme, but also keeps my alcohol intake down!

However, 2 hours BEFORE a match? :D