Advantage query


New Member
Here’s one I’d like an opinion on please team-

Attacking team with the ball on the corner of the box, and attacker is fouled. The ball breaks to another attacker with a great sight of goal, and I expect him to shoot - giving a shout of ‘advantage’.

However, instead of shooting (no idea why not) he passes sideways to third attacker but over hits the pass and move breaks down. Obviously they all come back to me wanting the FK for the original foul.

I could’ve waited a half second longer to see if the advantage materialises but the shot ‘should’ have been taken as the advantage - a better opportunity than the DFK outside the box from a worse angle, with a wall etc…

IMHO I’d say the advantage is the opportunity to shoot, not the fact you do/don’t take it, or do/don’t score etc. Perhaps a damned if you do, damned if you don’t one…
A&H International
I assume on the corner of the box means just outside?

I'm giving a penalty there but probably not the free kick? Advantage should be a better chance than the FK that would have resulted from it really.
The question is whether the advantage ensued and was wasted or did it ensue. If, in your opinion, the opportunity the player had to shoot was a better opportunity than the FK would have been, then your advantage is correct, refgardless od the poor choice by the attacker. But if the FK would have been a better scoring opportunity than what the attacker had, then there was no advantage and the foul should be given. Sounds like you have it in the first bucket.
The question is whether the advantage ensued and was wasted or did it ensue. If, in your opinion, the opportunity the player had to shoot was a better opportunity than the FK would have been, then your advantage is correct, refgardless od the poor choice by the attacker. But if the FK would have been a better scoring opportunity than what the attacker had, then there was no advantage and the foul should be given. Sounds like you have it in the first bucket.
Yeah I think that’s about the size of it. Very difficult to delay for a moment whilst assessing both situations in a couple of seconds but agree with the theory you said 👍
Mmm, I’m not so sure. First of all, what is the standard of football since if at the lower end of the scale, players are not always likely to hit the target and therefore, since the Advantage wasn’t realised (by a goal, save by the goalkeeper etc) and presumably within a few seconds, then it seems harsh to me to allow play to continue and not to stop the game and bring play back to the place of the original incident.
Here’s one I’d like an opinion on please team-

Attacking team with the ball on the corner of the box, and attacker is fouled. The ball breaks to another attacker with a great sight of goal, and I expect him to shoot - giving a shout of ‘advantage’.

However, instead of shooting (no idea why not) he passes sideways to third attacker but over hits the pass and move breaks down. Obviously they all come back to me wanting the FK for the original foul.

I could’ve waited a half second longer to see if the advantage materialises but the shot ‘should’ have been taken as the advantage - a better opportunity than the DFK outside the box from a worse angle, with a wall etc…

IMHO I’d say the advantage is the opportunity to shoot, not the fact you do/don’t take it, or do/don’t score etc. Perhaps a damned if you do, damned if you don’t one…
The question for you and only you can answer that here is if the opportunity to shoot was better than a FK. Or in other words, if the team was given a choice at the time, would they have taken the shot or a FK?

If taking the shot was the clear answer then there was an advantage, it was given and spoiled. Move on.

If the taking the FK is the clear answer then you should have called the FK straight away. Shouting advantage was a mistake.

If there is no clear answer you should have waited half a second longer.

Hope my opinion here helps ☺️
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I am thinking the foul was in the box so if you called it, it would have been a penalty. The question for you and only you can answer that here is if the opportunity to shoot was better than a penalty. Or in other words, if the team was given a choice at the time, would they have taken the shot or a penalty?

If taking the shot was the clear answer then there was an advantage, it was given and spoiled. Move on.

If the taking the penalty is the clear answer then you should have called the pen straight away. Shouting advantage was a mistake.

If there is no clear answer you should have waited half a second longer.

Hope my opinion here helps ☺️
They have already said was outside the penalty area so I'd definitely not recommend awarding a penalty. 😛