Accidental / unintentional handball

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
I am really struggling morally with awarding a penalty for accidental / unintentional handball.

Penalising for this just feels wrong to me. In my gut it feels cruel to award a 95% chance of scoring to the other team.

Do others feel the same?
A&H International
The % is actually somewhere around 80%. However if it makes you feel better, while it is referred to as non-intentional, if the hand is in an unnatural position, there is always an element of intent, maybe not to deliberately handle the ball, but to make oneself bigger and close angles etc. this is an unfair use of the hand and should be penalized. Even in the old laws, it should have been penalized in most cases.
Agree with One—unnatural position making a player bigger was taught as being deliberate before they messed around with handling a few years ago. I don’t think the problem is with “biggering” being. HB, but with the unability to recognize that some arm position is in fact natural.
To make you feel better, I don't like penalties at all.

I don't see why if there's a foul on the very corner of the 18 yard box on the goal line that it should result in that team getting an 85% chance of scoring.