The Ref Stop



Active Member
I have completed all the requirements for 6-5 promotion and thought that was that but have since been told that it has to go to the county FA council to be granted. I've not heard or read anything that suggested that, is it normal procedure?
Also I was hoping to go 5-4 but with the other decision taking place in March when would I be able to go for promotion?
The Ref Stop
This is totally normal after all you will become a senior county referee at lv 5. You need to apply for 5-4 before the deadline. Your application will go pending out come of 6-5. Be quick as I am sure that boat sails soon.
Good luck.
Yeah that's what I thought but I was told that I couldn't apply for 5-4 until I had become L5 which wouldnt be until after the deadline, therefore meaning it would be March 19 before my 5-4 marking season could begin
Yeah that's what I thought but I was told that I couldn't apply for 5-4 until I had become L5 which wouldnt be until after the deadline, therefore meaning it would be March 19 before my 5-4 marking season could begin
You should be able to apply, and any matches you do after the 1st of March will retrospectively count, but it's perfectly normal for it to take a few weeks to be confirmed. At 7-6 and 6-5, this is mostly a box ticking exercise if you've clearly met the requirements.

I'd suggest emailing your RDO and clarifying in writing that you're definitely interested in doing the next step next season. Then even if there's an issue, you'll be able to point at the email and they should be able to get you on the appropriate promotion scheme.
Counties usually have a meeting to discuss each candidate. Remember it isn't just your observation marks, they may also look at club marks, your administration, any discipline issues you may have had (e.g. not submitting cards, not attending hearings, etc). Getting 3 x above standard doesn't guarantee promotion, for example if all of your leagues have said that your administration is poor that could be held against you.

If you are successful in getting level 5 you will be nominated for level 4 only if you meet all of the criteria below ...

- You have passed the fitness test between 1st July 2017 and 28th February 2018
- You have attended an FA seminar and passed the laws of the game exam either in 2017/18 or 2016/17
- You have refereed at least 20 open age games between 1st February 2017 and 28th February 2018
- You have completed a minimum of 10 appointments as assistant referee on open age games between 1st February 2017 and 28th February 2018 (it is recommended that as many as possible are at supply league level)
- You have received at least five observations between 1st March 2017 and 28th February 2018 and averaged above 73 in these
- You have received at least three observations between 1st March 2017 and 28th February 2018 and averaged above 73 in these AND you are in the top 50% of club marks in your main league.

Fail any one of those and you won't be nominated. Also, nomination doesn't guarantee acceptance, for example, there may already be enough / too many level 4s in your geographical area.
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