The Ref Stop

3rd assessment

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The avuncular one
Bit of a strange assessment yesterday. Game went well, no issues despite the pitch becoming a mud bath. I didn't know the assessor was there, just did my thing. Was on top of equipment pre-game, bit of chat and banter with both teams, everybody in good spirits at kick off for a top of division match.

Kicks off. Throughout the game there were a couple of cautions for foul tackles, tiny bit of dissent handled with humour without issue, clean game for the most part, always happy that the game was fully under control. I came off feeling happy. I had worked hard, been getting out wide, getting in the box, didn't think I had missed anything (lol anything important anyway!), both teams happy at the end.

The assessor came into the dressing room and was pretty critical. But what he was critical of was a bit confusing. Overview of it:

  • I wasn't running backwards to my position when Preparing for goal kick - I was running either with my eyes on the keeper head turned, running sideways or running backwards dependent on position of ball and how quickly I needed to get to position. There were a couple of quick takes and I was on all of them. So I am already confused.
  • I was not varying my position at corners - now again I am confused, I was varying position. He stated I should be getting to the goal line before the kick on occasion. Now I had been doing this, but twice I have been picked up by assessors for being in a bad position?
  • I didn't miss any fouls or cautions. However, there were occasions when people were "taking off" into tackles. I clarified that I hadn't missed any tackles that were fouls. Do they want me to penalise fair tackles? It was muddy, players will slide in and if there is contact in any way I was on them. I had a quiet word with 2 players about being careful and that if they had gotten that tackle even an inch wrong etc... I am scratching my head at this point.
  • Follow the ball in to the box - I was said to be not going in. now I had been focused on this. I have at times been guilty of stopping outside the box, now I am getting in there when possible (don't want to block off the attackers or defenders runs) and if there is a shot outside the box I am gearing up to sprint past the defenders so I get as good a view of potential goal no goal claims as humanly possible. I have checked the gps from my watch - I was in there.
  • One player was throwing the ball in with one hand on occasion - even though he had 2 hands on the ball. Now I had been watching the throws carefully. He was delivering the ball into play with both hands on it. Confirmed he had both hands on the ball when he was throwing it in (point of release), yes. Apparently you are also not allowed the spin the ball when it is thrown in? Didn't happen in my game, but apparently it is not allowed.

There was a bit more that he said, but in honesty I had stopped listening. I was wet, dirty and flattened by what I was hearing and just wanted a shower. I am open to criticism if deserved, I know I am still developing and have some rough edges and happily accept advice, but it is difficult to hear relentless criticism especially when. you know is not accurate or harsh. Anyway, tried to smile, shook his hand, thanked him for his time and off he went.

Will await the report. Still waiting for last Saturdays report also.

Sorry, long ranting post. Spleen vented now, normal service resumed.
The Ref Stop
Can he assess you without you knowing? From around here, you must be told at least the night before that you are being assessed.

As you said, he contradicts himself, and it doesn't really make sense.:hmmm: Seems a bit dodgy what he was saying, let us know how the assessment is when it comes through!
Very odd, the criticisms are contradictory and don't really make sense. :confused:

Maybe what he was trying to say will come across better when you get the written assessment?
I hope so. I came away from the day very confused.

2 assessments pending where I have no idea what the actual written assessment says/scores. Well, not hopeful that it is positive for the second assessment (the one referred to above)
Having just read the OP back, I sound like a right whinger! I should be ashamed of myself. :)

just a bit frustrated I guess.
Bit of a strange assessment yesterday. Game went well, no issues despite the pitch becoming a mud bath. I didn't know the assessor was there, just did my thing. Was on top of equipment pre-game, bit of chat and banter with both teams, everybody in good spirits at kick off for a top of division match.

Kicks off. Throughout the game there were a couple of cautions for foul tackles, tiny bit of dissent handled with humour without issue, clean game for the most part, always happy that the game was fully under control. I came off feeling happy. I had worked hard, been getting out wide, getting in the box, didn't think I had missed anything (lol anything important anyway!), both teams happy at the end.

The assessor came into the dressing room and was pretty critical. But what he was critical of was a bit confusing. Overview of it:

  • I wasn't running backwards to my position when Preparing for goal kick - I was running either with my eyes on the keeper head turned, running sideways or running backwards dependent on position of ball and how quickly I needed to get to position. There were a couple of quick takes and I was on all of them. So I am already confused.
  • I was not varying my position at corners - now again I am confused, I was varying position. He stated I should be getting to the goal line before the kick on occasion. Now I had been doing this, but twice I have been picked up by assessors for being in a bad position?
  • I didn't miss any fouls or cautions. However, there were occasions when people were "taking off" into tackles. I clarified that I hadn't missed any tackles that were fouls. Do they want me to penalise fair tackles? It was muddy, players will slide in and if there is contact in any way I was on them. I had a quiet word with 2 players about being careful and that if they had gotten that tackle even an inch wrong etc... I am scratching my head at this point.
  • Follow the ball in to the box - I was said to be not going in. now I had been focused on this. I have at times been guilty of stopping outside the box, now I am getting in there when possible (don't want to block off the attackers or defenders runs) and if there is a shot outside the box I am gearing up to sprint past the defenders so I get as good a view of potential goal no goal claims as humanly possible. I have checked the gps from my watch - I was in there.
  • One player was throwing the ball in with one hand on occasion - even though he had 2 hands on the ball. Now I had been watching the throws carefully. He was delivering the ball into play with both hands on it. Confirmed he had both hands on the ball when he was throwing it in (point of release), yes. Apparently you are also not allowed the spin the ball when it is thrown in? Didn't happen in my game, but apparently it is not allowed.

There was a bit more that he said, but in honesty I had stopped listening. I was wet, dirty and flattened by what I was hearing and just wanted a shower. I am open to criticism if deserved, I know I am still developing and have some rough edges and happily accept advice, but it is difficult to hear relentless criticism especially when. you know is not accurate or harsh. Anyway, tried to smile, shook his hand, thanked him for his time and off he went.

Will await the report. Still waiting for last Saturdays report also.

Sorry, long ranting post. Spleen vented now, normal service resumed.

Weird comments!

As an assessors, they also seem strange. Normally the assessor would introduce himself before the game (not only polite but shoudl be doen under FA guidence).

On his various comments:
- no assessor should state that you should run backwards. There are a number of fitness issues in giving this advise (ankle & knee problems). What he advise shoudl be was that you were not aware on the goalkkeeper during the taking of a goal kick.
- positioning at corners - always fun!!! The guidence says you should vary your position to retain a credible viewing position. It is not prescritive that you shoudl be on the goal lin. However, if they are in-swinging them under the bar, then I would the referee to be on the goal line.
- Like you I don't understand this either. Either you missed an infringement or you didn't.
- Running into the box - did he give you any examples of when you failed to do this. Without examples, that advice is worthless.
- The says the ball must be thrown with two hands. It does not say with equal force, that the ball cannot spin..... The point is to spot when it is thrown with two hands and when it is thrown with one hand and guided with the other. Difficult to spot but the laws of motion will nearly always force the ball to spin.

The assessment will be fun reading when you get it.
The point is to spot when it is thrown with two hands and when it is thrown with one hand and guided with the other. Difficult to spot but the laws of motion will nearly always force the ball to spin.

Speaking as someone who has never purposely checked to see if both hands are on the ball, this is all a bit novel. Could Lincs, or someone else, please clarify what is meant by 'guided with the other'. does that imply that one hand is merely touching the ball rather than 'holding' it?
+1 to the comments by Lincs22. Some unsupported comments there without any statistics or clear examples makes it difficult for you to reflect on specific instances. Also the whole point of an assessment is to develop you, i.e. give you a way out if you have a problem in your game.

You are correct. The other hand simply guides the ball at the side, no force or forward power with that hand.

Don't worry the players will point it out as a obvious foul throw. It looks like a one handed throw.
It doesn't matter whether the second hand is just touching or holding the ball, it merely has to touch it. There is nothing in the LOTG that says that the force must be equal!!!
It doesn't matter whether the second hand is just touching or holding the ball, it merely has to touch it. There is nothing in the LOTG that says that the force must be equal!!!
LOTG's say 'holds the ball' rather than touch the ball. Define 'hold', define 'touch' - they're not the same
It's funny I watched a local game yesterday and noticed a chap doing it. Very subtle, but the ball span. The ref was possibly the highest rated ref locally, no foul throw.

Still no assessment reports... Got 2 in the postal system somewhere.
I generally get mine really fast. Give Dave Rees the WWFA ref's officer a ring and ask him about them.
I don't know why they don't do it in Wales but very rarely on others being assessed or myself have the assessors introduced themselves before the game, I have always found this a bit rude and maybe even slightly disrespectful. I don't know if it's from direction from the top or what but I've never understood it.
That's disappointing. It's a requirement here to notify referee (and home club secretary) beforehand, and meet the ref at least half an hour before kick-off. Couldn't see me doing it any other way. Gone are the days of pretending to walk your dog and hiding behind a tree. :')
Well last Saturdays assessment referred to in OP has come back and it is okay. Got a 7.6 which is I believe just about good enough (4a to 3b requires 3 assessments over 7.5 I think)

That's 3 assessments done; 7.9 and 7.6 and one from a fortnight ago still not arrived yet.

Massive sense of relief as I was worried that the last assessment was going to blow it for this season. Fingers crossed the one I am waiting for is a good 'un.
4a to 3b requires 7's apparently. If you've had 3 then why the hell have I had 5!?!?!