The Ref Stop

2nd Game in (Friendly)


New Member
Level 7 Referee
So had my 2nd game refereeing (friendly) on Sunday, overall I thought it went ok.

One side was a premier division Sunday side, who I knew from my playing days. The opposition was claimed to be a make-up a random players who were non-afflitiated (didn't know this pre-match or likely would have turned it down). Game starts, within the first 5 minutes there is already a clear difference in ability between the 2 sides, with the prem team looking far sharper. Couple of moments where a few tackles go in, the non-afflitiated side claim each one made on them was a freekick, to which I advise player won the ball cleanly and it's a contact sport. First goal is then scored by prem team after some neat play in the box with the ball squared across for a tap in. Non-afflitiated team scream for offside, to which I wave away.
The non-affliated side decide every slight contact that goes their way should be a foul, dissent is beginning to rise from one of their players. I then proceed to pull a player asside and give him a verbal warning. The game continues to which the prem side score 3 more, a few ridiculous offside appeals.
Just before the start of the 2nd half, the non-afflitiated team thought it would be a good idea to try and advise me how to ref and that one of their mates is a qualified ref :yawn:. I calmly explain that this is a contact sport and so far every decision made is what I believe to be the correct one from my eyes.
The 2nd half kicks off in the same fashion as the first half, further goals are scored by the prem team to which again I here the never ending crys of offside, abusive language is directed at me by the same player I gave a verbal warning for. I call him across and proceed with the sin bin, to which I get the response of "it's not rugby" "sin bins don't exist"......They all question what a sin bin is to which I then go on to explain and advise they cannot sub him. The game continues, however I was in a bad position on the pitch and missed the view of the non-affiliated player clatter into the GK (keeper still on his feet). As I was unsure I let the play continue (mistake from me). What I should have done in this scenario was do a reset, position myself properly and ignore the ****wits on the bench.
The game continues and 2 more goals are scored by the prem side, same old offside, I was in a great position to call so not a chance either one. Receive more dissent, to which I sin bin another player and get the good old Mickey Mouse name when writing in the book.
The game continues and it's no longer a contest, full time is blown to which I receive all sorts from the Non-Afflitiated side and spectators about how I "ruined the game".
I then at the end of the game get advised by the supposed ref to allow the non-afflitiated team to instead sub the gobby players as opposed to sin-binning them because it was a friendly....

Overall, I missed a couple of things, positioning at times wasn't great but I tried to let the game flow and allowed contact as much as I could.

Would appreciate any advise on how I could of maybe handled that better?
The Ref Stop
I feel I have a fairly high tolerance level to foul language (ex sunday league player), yeah my other mistake was not warning the bench for their conduct. The prem side in comparison was a doddle to maintain order.

Completely agree JamesL, mistake I made was not finding out both teams and the cards issued can go nowhere.

I think I'm done for "friendlies" until I have refereed for a couple of seasons, as the 2 I have done have proved to be troublesome.
I think I'm done for "friendlies" until I have refereed for a couple of seasons, as the 2 I have done have proved to be troublesome.
Not a bad idea mate. I've only just restarted doing friendlies due to the fact I get them appointed by County and they are for the level I referee at so the expectations are much higher.

I stopped refereeing friendliea as they became more trouble than worth.

You've done the game now so well. Done for self reflecting. You'll have learnt more from these games than you will from some Competitive games.

You'll learn quickly that language we use is important. When you say abusive language that's a little different to foul language. Same as calling a red card tackle "reckless" as an example.
We all have different tolerances, juts beware there are things that even the hardiest of is can't/shouldn't ignore.

You'll often find rowdy teams start from the bench. Rowdy manager, rowdy players. By ignoring the bench you are basically telling the players you're happy to tolerate it. If you deal with the bench properly this can have a positive effect on the players and match control..
Aye, I was keen to get started and essentially get the first and second games nerves out of the way.

Thanks for the advice, definitely take this on board.
Not a bad idea mate. I've only just restarted doing friendlies due to the fact I get them appointed by County and they are for the level I referee at so the expectations are much higher.

I stopped refereeing friendliea as they became more trouble than worth.

You've done the game now so well. Done for self reflecting. You'll have learnt more from these games than you will from some Competitive games.

You'll learn quickly that language we use is important. When you say abusive language that's a little different to foul language. Same as calling a red card tackle "reckless" as an example.
We all have different tolerances, juts beware there are things that even the hardiest of is can't/shouldn't ignore.

You'll often find rowdy teams start from the bench. Rowdy manager, rowdy players. By ignoring the bench you are basically telling the players you're happy to tolerate it. If you deal with the bench properly this can have a positive effect on the players and match control..
Yeah Pre Season games are a real mixed bag. Like @JamesL says they can be more trouble than they are worth.

Saying that I wanted a run out to blow off a few holiday cobwebs and picked up a game comprising teams from the lowest division veterans league in the area.

Gave me a chance to stretch the legs and work on a couple of very minor things on my gzmst. Was treated to a 14 goal thriller as well (if you count a final score of 13-1 to be thrilling) 😁
Well done mate.

I have a rule (that I generally stick to).

If a player says "you are a..." - 9 times out of 10 I am going into my pocket (this includes f*** off comments too). As soon as they make a personal comment about me or actively argues a decision and crosses the line from frustration to rude, they make the choice to have a 10 minute rest!

If they swear at me directly (T**t/p***k/c*** etc.), they walk, simple as.

We are there to referee a football match, not be verbally abused. I have a very high tolerance, however, I don't want the next 16 year old ref to get treated like rubbish because of "last week's ref".

This counts in friendly games - Sin binned someone for saying "f*** off" this evening, when he didn't get a decision that he wanted.
Well done mate.

I have a rule (that I generally stick to).

If a player says "you are a..." - 9 times out of 10 I am going into my pocket (this includes f*** off comments too). As soon as they make a personal comment about me or actively argues a decision and crosses the line from frustration to rude, they make the choice to have a 10 minute rest!

If they swear at me directly (T**t/p***k/c*** etc.), they walk, simple as.

We are there to referee a football match, not be verbally abused. I have a very high tolerance, however, I don't want the next 16 year old ref to get treated like rubbish because of "last week's ref".

This counts in friendly games - Sin binned someone for saying "f*** off" this evening, when he didn't get a decision that he wanted.
Agree on that.

A 16 year old me would definitely have sacked refereeing off very quickly.

I'm pleased I did both friendlies, as learned a massive amount already in a short space of time, more than I did at the F2F course where it was too much focus on role play as opposed to practical situations.

1st game was a total nightmare that was largely down to hand signals being incorrect and changing decision. 2nd game they were spot on.

So hopefully my 3rd game will see improvements on positioning, although this is tricky as I prefer to get quite wide so I can judge offsides better.

Been allocated games for next Sunday and Tuesday.
I'd agree with the posters here.

Once a foul insult is directly aimed at you for me that crosses into foul and abusive and they are gone.

"F*** off", "Ref you're a f***ing idiot" etc and also including things directly calling you an insulting word, like "c***"-> Straight red, till this day the league have never questioned me doing this. Whether I am doing U18 boys or U12 girls this rule is solid.

For things like "Oh ffs ref", "f***ing hell ref!" -> these i can live with. If they persist I will book for dissent.

The players also know themselves when they have crossed the line of risking getting a booking for dissent to risking a straight red. Put yourself in their boots, you are going from moaning at someone to directly insulting them, you know full well when you are making that bold transition.

Edit to add: The same goes for managers of course or for parents (you will book the main manager in any case because he is responsible for his line). Go up to them, maintain about 10 yards distance. Warn them. You aren't going there for a conversation, you are going to either say:

-this is your warning
- Or flash the yellow card and say this is your final warning
- Or to flash a red card and say you have 1 minute to leave or else i'm gone

Then you step back towards the centre of the field. Don't give them a chance to engage you, leave them there talking to the wind. They will soon have to accept it. Save this, if you notice he has an assistant who is a lot calmer, speak to this assistant instead who will have to sort his boss out.

Don't forget these abusive managers train the guys twice a week, they are familiar with the parents etc. They are not going to let you tell them they are wrong and will argue their case simply to make themselves look big to the parents. Your cards are your tools, use them and step away, it removes any power he has.
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