What is a good referee?


The avuncular one
simple question, what is a good referee and how do you know when you are one?

A&H International
Irrespective of their level, a good referee will have the following properties:

- Good administration
- Excellent knowledge of the laws of the games, and can apply them
- Excellent match control, demonstrating a wide range of techniques
- Demonstrates good communication skills
- Fit, with good positioning
- Not arrogant
- Easy to get along with, inside and outside of football, and is able to build a rapport with all involved
- Smart looking
- Does not let colleagues down
- Committed
- Knows the game well, and can subsequently read it and be proactive
if you asked my Uncle then he would say he is the definition of a good referee haha!

I think @drahc is defining an excellent referee!

for me a good referee is someone that:

1. Turns up to fixtures in plenty of time
2. looks smart regardless if he is in suit and tie or tracksuit with kit underneath ready
3. has good administrative skills
4. has a great knowledge of the LOTG
5. but can also apply them in a 'situation by situation' method - there isn't always a black and white approach
6. has a passion for what he does
7. doesn't 'reckon' himself i.e. he acknowledges that he can be wrong in situations and is willing, at the end of matches, to listen to points of view
8. can take constructive criticism
9. is an all round top bloke!
Personally, I don't think there's any set definition of what makes a 'good' referee, but there are certain attributes that, in my opinion, the best refs will have.

In no particular order, these attributes are;
  • Excellent administration;
  • A clear knowledge of the LotG and the confidence/ability to apply them;
  • A good level of fitness;
  • Good communication skills;
  • Approachable and friendly;
  • A willingness to adapt to the situation and adopt a sensible approach;
  • A willingness to learn and develop;
  • Being smart and well presented;
  • Being on time.
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I got into refereeing after playing under coward refs that would let some astonishing things go.
I personally see my main job as making playing football as expensive as possibly for the chav idiots that want to hurt other players or try to intimidate referees.
If I get 2 teams that are just there to play football I switch to my secondary job, which trying to get major decisons correct.

I remember an ex-league 2 player I chatted with telling me "we don't give a **** what time the ref turns up or what he's wearing. In fact we don't even notice. We don't care what his admin is like. We don't really care too much about throw in/GK/corner decisions even though we protest for every one. All we really want is for him to get the penalty and red card decisions correct, the rest is down to us really"

For me, nothing is more important than positioning. If you know where to stand in a certain situation and are fit enough to get their, you are well on your way.
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Excellent being used far to often in this topic. Careful what words you use. I'd be expecting a 9.5/10 in a category if the world excellent is used. :p