The Ref Stop

Lack of Respect


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Close to 20 years reffing. Almost entirely youth matches. No longer available anyday anywhere anytime so I pick up games from.the many unallocated.

I wont bore you with details why i have a life and other commitments but I pick and choose matches that I can do. Im not stupid I know leagues prefer e.g. u17 div 1 game covered than an u12 div 5 etc and club dont wanna pay riddiculous mileage if Im travelling crazy distances.

What Im increasingly finding is a total lack of respect and expectancy Im available at the snap of a finger. Im not.

I openly.communicate I refuse certain clubs location etc some for practical reasons others because Im fed up being abused attacked etc. Im sick of having to involve the police in reffing a kids game if football! Some of the lack of respect from.coaches and abuse violence threats etc is at an all time high. When your family get this too its gone way too far. Of course you can defend yourself but equally as a Ref I think you need to be restrained lets say and diplomatic and professional.

Im.interested to know of other refs experience picking up games that 'suit' them. Do you experience resistance here or understanding and appreciationfrom county and leagues etc. Lets be honest most leagues have more games uncovered than covered.

I come in peace. I appreciate respectful replies. Thank you.
The Ref Stop
Im.interested to know of other refs experience picking up games that 'suit' them. Do you experience resistance here or understanding and appreciationfrom county and leagues etc. Lets be honest most leagues have more games uncovered than covered.
So at grassroots ref secs have always understood when I've said that I have distance limits, I must say that personal reasons like time with family go down much better than cost.

I've only refused to ref two teams ever, both times that's been accepted too on the grounds that making me do that game when I don't want to is a recipe for trouble
I think it goes 2 ways. If you can have an understanding with a league that struggles on coverage that if there aren't enough games to go around then you won't have one, then there's no harm in you saying I'll wait until you've appointed what you can cover and I'll cover one from what's left.
If you're looking to be involved every week then you have to give and take, but it sounds like that's not the case anyway.
I tend to keep Sundays free, but the trio of appointment secretaries round here know that if I can be arsed find some free time, I’ll get in touch and see what they’ve got… and I’ll cherry pick from uncovered games. Been open with them from the start and set the terms, and they’re generally appreciative when I drop ‘em a line.

Similarly, a lot of clubs have my number just through years of building up contacts and I’ve always said “if you get stuck, text me, worst I can say is I’m already busy”.

Never had a problem that way. It’s not me being difficult or patronising to those league(s), just my reasonable terms towards something I’m under no obligation to commit to.

Can’t see any problem with openly saying to an appointments secretary, “I can go here, here or here, and I don’t want to ever ref Club X”.
AS I WAS TYPING THAT a club I had in pre-season and is a mate of a mate of a mate text to ask if I’m free Sunday morning 😂

Referees are in demand in most areas of the country, you can, in the main, pick and choose what you want

Best way is getting contacted directly by clubs whenever they aren't allocated a ref.

it would be dIfficult for ref secs if they have to check a list of conditions before appointing a referee.
Who, where and when you referee, particularly at grassroots, is your prerogative. You have your reasons for your choices and no one can really tell you much different. You are one up from a volunteer at this level so freedom and choice is yours.

But as other have pointed out, you can only choose from the scraps of what is left, and if there's nothing left you accept you dont have a game.

Whilst it's difficult for ref secs to know each referees personal preferences it's worth a conversation to say this is your approach to refereeing, how can you make their's and your life easier to avoid any conflict or feelings of lack of respect
Thanks for all the replies and there certainly is an advantage of supply/demand for refs to have more freedom of choice to meet personal circumstances.
When I was RefsSec I wouldn't let referees pick their games, I appointed to all of them. I would take into account which regions each referee had indicated they could cover (clubs were spread over 100 miles North to South and 50 files East to West, so asking this was very necessary), and equally if they had experienced an issue with one or more clubs I would keep them away from them for a period of time, the length of time depending on the seriousness of the incidents.

But I wouldn't give the same referee to a home club week after week, that wouldn't be fair on other referees or the clubs. Which meant that if a referee gave me a small geographical area, and therefore a small number of clubs, they probably wouldn't get used every week even if they were available. We had close to 100% referee coverage so could afford to take that stance.