The Ref Stop

Szymon Marciniak YouTube


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee

Just watched this. Absolutely insane how good he is.

Just the way he deals with things. Obviously us at grassroots will unlikely be able to know all the players names and their history.

Some of things I noticed:

2:27 - When he get surrounded, he isolates the offender and has a conversation. Then before restart and once the temperature has cooled down he hunts down the players that ran at him to have a word.

3:00 - After a foul he basically asks a player why he is acting frustrated over being penalised over foul. Then separately tells the defender (once isolated) he made a risky challenge.

4:00 - This one is probably more geared towards games where players/coaches can analyse things over half-time, but he defuses a heated decision that happened in the first-half with a player who has obviously tried to use it as a way to make the referee feel as if he owes him one.

5:07 - He quotes how many cards a player has got so far in the season and uses it as a weapon to silence his protests over conceding a foul. This is done without producing a card. But in a way that implies that the player is definitely on the radar for a booking.

5:20 - One that you have to be as good as Szymon to pull off, but basically saying he is warning him over a situation that he could have blown up on but didn't.

5:40 - Uses players reaction to sell his penalty.

Really enjoy the proactive refereeing, where he seems to challenge all attempts to undermine him head on, and rarely lets them go.

I know he is Szymon Marciniak, so he is in the rare position of having a higher status in football than the players he is refereeing which is reflected in the respect he is shown. But he absolutely keeps on top of everyone all the time.
The Ref Stop