I've got to be honest, I don't think it's the interpretation that's the problem here, I believe this was just a poorly selected example which most officials I know believe to not be a handball offence.And yet, on the Step 5/6 Pre-Season Meeting the FA used this incident as an example of non deliberate handball and DOGSO inferring UNNATURAL POSITION!!! As in when to award a PK and Yellow Card
I know freeze frames are very misleading, but this was a classic example of arm beside the body and entirely natural. Proximity was also a big factor. Ball travelled a few feet before hitting the arm
It's all so messed up with inconsistent and ever-changing interpretation. I just didn't have the energy to question this on the call (lots of attendees)
You might be right, but they can't go teaching 1000+ referees a classic misapplication of the LawI've got to be honest, I don't think it's the interpretation that's the problem here, I believe this was just a poorly selected example which most officials I know believe to not be a handball offence.
Fook knows, even though there's no chance it's a HB in Law
Forget handball. I'm trying to figure out who's a defender and who's an attacker. I can tell the keeper though.
Edit: FWIW, I think this is the clip that caused confusion at CORE (discussed in another thread) where that may have somehow wrongly concluded a dismissal for any hand contact that prevents a goal That assumption being true...... glad I ain't on CORE
Looks like Truro Res v Dorking ResForget handball. I'm trying to figure out who's a defender and who's an attacker. I can tell the keeper though.