Bournemouth v Brentford


RefChat Addict
Referee called to monitor to review his onfield penalty, which I feel was a weak review.
Personally, in real time, I don't think it was a foul but I don't see how it was clear and obvious to warrant a review.


How can Solanke not get cautioned for this....
He scores a goal and puts on a mask.
In the laws of the game it is punishable with a caution.... Even if the goal is ruled out.
Plus, the mask is hideous. Thats worthy of a caution regardless.
A&H International
Referee called to monitor to review his onfield penalty, which I feel was a weak review.
Personally, in real time, I don't think it was a foul but I don't see how it was clear and obvious to warrant a review.
I personally can't see why he was sent to the monitor. Looked a clear careless challenge (and therefore penalty) to me.
I personally can't see why he was sent to the monitor. Looked a clear careless challenge (and therefore penalty) to me.
Can barely see a challenge from the defender tbh, let alone a careless one. Toney looks for and instigates contact for me
I'm very surprised that this thread is the only mention I've seen anywhere of the fact that Solanke twice committed an offence which is an mandatory caution and escaped scot-free both times. At best poor alertness/awareness if the officials didn't spot it, at worst dereliction of duty if they did spot it and failed to ensure the appropriate sanction was given.

58 seconds in. If that's not careless I don't know what is ...
FA don't want them given
It was the theme of the most recent Level 3/4 Training Evening. I don't think it's a foul anyway. I have a high bar for upper body challenges and I think Toney is looking for it and 'gambling' on the Ref being as soft as ye
FA don't want them given
It was the theme of the most recent Level 3/4 Training Evening. I don't think it's a foul anyway. I have a high bar for upper body challenges and I think Toney is looking for it and 'gambling' on the Ref being as soft as ye
I know all about the minor contact direction given to referees but PGMOL isn't the same (when was it ever? :rolleyes:).
It's still a careless challenge.
I don't particularly think it's a foul. But I'm not convinced it's a C&O error. Especially after what we've seen recently from VAR input or therelackof
Just watched the clip, foot on the ball, for me he doesn't commit an offence on the player, I'd be shouting "touch not a foul, bit of pressure".

Looking for it for me.
I know all about the minor contact direction given to referees but PGMOL isn't the same (when was it ever? :rolleyes:).
It's still a careless challenge.
The 'minor contact direction' given to PGMOL officials is exactly the same as to other referees. NFC (Normal Football Contact) is most definitely 'a thing' :)