VAR call to screen


RefChat Addict
I'd love you know if there is a resource that counts how many times a ref is asked to go to the screen to review a decision and the same for sending a ref to a screen?

Richard Keys, via the Mail Online, suggests no one is wanting to send Michael Oliver to the screen because they know he is the top dog and he doesn't want someone supposedly "inferior" telling him he made a mistake.
A&H International
Dale Johnson mentioned in his VAR review this week that MO has only once been sent to the screen for a subjective decision this season. I suspect that's where Keys got his "fact" from, so I'm sure he has the stats. If you have twitter I'd suggest you try sending him a tweet and seeing if you get a response?
There's a very valid argument that one of the top referees in Europe gets sent to the screen less because he gets most decisions spot on.

But equally I understand that it might well be a bit daunting for a rookie referee to be telling such a senior referee that they have got a decision wrong, even if just subconsciously. Down to Howard Webb and his team to make sure that doesn't happen, and from what I've seen and heard of his I don't think Michael Oliver has the kind of ego that means he would be affronted to be told he had made a mistake. I can think of several referees in the past that might well have been, but I doubt it with any of the current group.
I can think of several occasions where MO has been sent to the screen since VAR was introduced. He was the first one to do it! (FA Cup)
Oliver was sent to the screen last season for a pen he awarded to overturned but he rejected the review and most pundits I think backed him up on that.

I don't believe referees are afraid of their senior counterparts but I think the issue at the weekend was Oliver had a clear view of the potential foul and I'm sure he did the "cutting the grass" gesture which would make things more awkward if a VAR a short time later sent him to the screen because he thinks he made an error despite the referee Indicating he's 100% sure it's not a foul.
A few years back now he was also sent to the screen to review a RC for SFP in a Leicester match. Resulted in a RC.
I can think of several referees in the past that might well have been, but I doubt it with any of the current group.
A school teacher who was head of refereeing at the FA ?:angel:
A referee from Middlesbrough who quit in 2004? ;)
A school teacher who was head of refereeing at the FA ?:angel:
A referee from Middlesbrough who quit in 2004? ;)
I was probably thinking more of a referee who had an issue counting his yellow cards, and one who has swapped black for black & white recently, and more recently a red kit 😂
Yes, they wouldn't like being told they were possibly wrong......
Calling the referee to the screen for a VAR review adds transparency and fairness. It allows for thorough evaluation of critical moments, ensuring more accurate decisions and maintaining the integrity of the game.