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    • TeJot
      TeJot replied to the thread DOGSO or… advantage?.
      VAR told journalist after the game they called for the red for DOGSO as it was clear and obvious that it wasn’t an advantage and no card...
    • TeJot
      TeJot reacted to JamesL's post in the thread DOGSO or… advantage? with Like Like.
      Not a great advantage. But advantage played/accrued non the less. Not sure why the ref was called to monitor. As advantage was played...
    • TeJot
      TeJot reacted to wazztie16's post in the thread DOGSO or… advantage? with Like Like.
      Easy to judge now, but there's no OGSO from the advantage imo, so if you think there's a foul then safe refereeing is to give the DOGSO.
    • TeJot
      TeJot replied to the thread DOGSO or… advantage?.
      Yeah, I’d probably just delay the whistle to see what’s the outcome or sent him off… This is what the head of polish ref association...
    • TeJot
      Hi, there is a huge discussion in the polish football community regarding this situation. The call on the field was “advantage” and no...
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