Runner Ref's latest activity

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    Runner Ref reacted to es1's post in the thread Huge bold move - NOT with Like Like.
    will last one game when there's multiple cautions and much confusion and then things will go back to normal just like they always do
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    I'd rather they made the conversation between the referee and VAR live, rather than this idea. I dount they'd do this as the clubs and...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread European Final Appointments.
    Buzzing for Rebecca. Did a few games with her over the years, and was always a good laugh to be out with. Really laid back and took...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread Selection evening.
    As others have said, simply running what seems like a marathon doesn't necessarily make you a good referee. If anything, it can be a...
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    Runner Ref reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread Selection evening with Like Like.
    Not sure of the relevance to the thread or if you meant to post this here, but if his fitness tracker tells him he's running 10 miles a...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread Bournemouth v Brentford.
    I don't particularly think it's a foul. But I'm not convinced it's a C&O error. Especially after what we've seen recently from VAR input...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread Schools cup final.
    If its appointed by the school as part of ESFA, then I'd go to ESFA. If it's technically a County Cup competition, I'd go to the County...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread Schools cup final.
    The below link will take you to competition rules for ESFA. If they're no good, there are a number of contact methods to ask them...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread Bournemouth v Brentford.
    Poor from the officials all round not to do anything about it. Was Matty Donohues first PL game, I believe.
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    Runner Ref reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Goal-No Goal Signal with Like Like.
    Left hand makes more sense as that is the direction of the restart.
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    Runner Ref reacted to ChasObserverRefDeveloper's post in the thread Goal-No Goal Signal with Like Like.
    The "Communication" guidance in the LOTG advises a flag signal in the event of a goal/no goal scenario. We teach new referees to remain...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread Goal-No Goal Signal.
    Exactly what I'd ask for. Straight up in left hand, as that signal doesn't mean anything else. In a pinball situation, right arm...
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    Runner Ref reacted to es1's post in the thread Goal-No Goal Signal with Like Like.
    Yeah that's fair, let them see you on the goal line (in a perfect position)
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread Goal-No Goal Signal.
    Off the top of my head, I don't there's there's an official signal for this. My brief to liners was similar to @es1 - flag in left...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread Big decision timing.
    Might be a culture thing or a me thing; but I wouldn't appreciate my liner flagging a foul that far in! :D