Pedro's latest activity

  • P
    Pedro replied to the thread Ball Out of Play.
    But being clinical, daylight, or 'a gap' is exactly what you'd see between ball and line if you were to view it from a position directly...
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    Pedro replied to the thread Ball Out of Play.
    I'm talking touchline/throw-in only. We've all seen the way footballers have recently discovered where they can get away with placing...
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    Pedro replied to the thread Ball Out of Play.
    I'm not in any way questioning a ref's superior knowledge of the finer details of the rules. It's just that it hardly ever seems to be...
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    Pedro replied to the thread Ball Out of Play.
    Nope. I'm not a ref but simply emptying my years of frustration at never seeing it ruled correctly. If VAR was involved more for...
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    Pedro replied to the thread Ball Out of Play.
    It's been buggin me a very long time... :)
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    Pedro reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread Ball Out of Play with Like Like.
    Very curious first post...
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    Pedro replied to the thread Ball Out of Play.
    See the tennis ball analogy attached. Imagine if the ball is further over to the left but still has no daylight (as viewed from a...
    • 2024-06-28 - 12.42.00.jpg
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    Pedro replied to the thread Ball Out of Play.
    hmmm. Perhaps a linesman needs to answer this as a pitch ref is almost never in a position to accurately gauge this decision?
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    Pedro posted the thread Ball Out of Play in Laws of the game.
    At 55 years old, I have played for over 40 years at least once a week at school, work, pub, vets and now...