george.g's latest activity

  • george.g
    Obviously, you’re completely correct in what you’ve done. However, I would absolutely have no issues with someone cautioning here...
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Haha Haha.
    And a striking resemblance to Michael Oliver to boot
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to JamesL's post in the thread The end of the road? with Like Like.
    End of thread. Couldn't really have put it much better myself other than suggesting observing as a way to remain involved without the...
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to RefRyanAus's post in the thread The end of the road? with Like Like.
    Hi Matthew, it is always sad to hear of a long term but otherwise fit and healthy referee contemplating leaving the game. However, it...
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to Josh the referee's post in the thread Osula challenge on Konate with Like Like.
    I'm worried about the amount of people that think VAR should be getting involved and giving a red card for that. There's absolutely...
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Love Love.
    Thanks for pointing out that I'm being 'strung along'. Without your wisdom, I may have blindly stumbled through the next 5 to 10 years...
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Like Like.
    Can I have the 10 minutes of my life back for the time I've spent skim reading this debate? How about enjoyment representing the primary...
  • george.g
    george.g replied to the thread Level 4 - What Happens?.
    It's quite simple to me, L4 is worth it if you want it to be. Your outlook is what makes or breaks it.
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread Level 4 - What Happens? with Like Like.
    Neil Swarbrick started at 29 and did 8 years on the Premier League... If you increase fees at grass roots, grassroots footballers will...
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to SammyT5's post in the thread U14 False Name with Like Like.
    I think I would have to agree with this. Without the context of how something is said, and other words used, it’s difficult to make a...
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread U14 False Name with Love Love.
    Having read it again, clearly your interpretation is correct and I totally forgot the whole rest of the thread and got distracted by the...
  • george.g
    george.g replied to the thread U14 False Name.
    My interpretation is that he’s talking about OFFINABUS (F Off) !
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to socal lurker's post in the thread Grabbing Knackers with Like Like.
    For my money, it’s either/or. Any appeal panel with a whit of common sense is going to support either. But they don’t all have common...
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to Gabriel's post in the thread U14 False Name with Like Like.
    Yes same from my RDO. He said that was after the sarcastic laugh to see if they change their mind without verbal prompts.
  • george.g
    george.g reacted to Tealeaf's post in the thread Trouble in Paradise with Like Like.
    I’m going to say this again. If any forum user has an issue with any other user, including Mods and Admins there are means and ways of...