The Ref Stop
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    • theSinghStar
      Wow! The rationale in that response is wild. Just to be clear its nothing to do with an attempt for the ball. It is still a red card...
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO with Like Like.
      The key thing for positioning for challenges in the penalty area or just outside is to have an angled view. The last place you want to...
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar reacted to FirsFox40's post in the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO with Haha Haha.
      20-yard circular ref zone right in the middle! ⭕ (Or sit in the technical area, can see EVERYTHING from there apparently).
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar replied to the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO.
      Haha. Yeh - easy on paper!! Getting the right view is tough while not getting in the way of the game itself. I've heard about the lazy S...
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO with Haha Haha.
      Optimum distance is usually touted as 15-20 yards although guidance on positioning and movement changes. Ultimately the best position...
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar replied to the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO.
      Thanks guys - it's great to get the validation on decisions made. It was my first penalty and it was probably outside the area which...
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO with Like Like.
      Hi @theSinghStar. Sounds like a DOGSO to me (without seeing it). I don't think there are many DOGSO situations where you don't have...
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO with Like Like.
      Sounds like it but it's hard to give an objective opinion having not been there. The consideration for direction of play is general...
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar replied to the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO.
      Thanks @JamesL - that's very clear. On the DOGSO itself - the player was through on goal and knocked the ball to the side of the keeper...
    • theSinghStar
      theSinghStar reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Goalkeeper DOGSO with Like Like.
      If the keeper attempted to play /challenge for the ball AND a penalty kick is awarded the sanction is a yellow card. In this case a...
    • theSinghStar
      Hi folks - long time reader of threads on this forum and first time poster. Have learnt so much just from reading other people's...
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