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    • Gio
      Gio replied to the thread Yesterdays game.
      Thanks - will take all that on board 👍
    • Gio
      Gio replied to the thread Yesterdays game.
      It was the same ball. And yeah in hindsight I just think cracking on would have been the best decision . Thank you!
    • Gio
      Gio replied to the thread Yesterdays game.
      Thanks alot . Awaiting a Mentor after swapping a couple of emails with county FA last week. Will chase up if I've heard nothing soon.
    • Gio
      Gio replied to the thread Yesterdays game.
      Thank you ! All super helpful
    • Gio
      Gio reacted to OldNavyRef's post in the thread Yesterdays game with Like Like.
      It all sounds fine. You are definitely overthinking a lot, and the thicker skin will come with time. Remember, you're only 7 games in...
    • Gio
      Gio replied to the thread Yesterdays game.
      Thanks Joe - appreciate that
    • Gio
      Gio posted the thread Yesterdays game in Match Incidents.
      So yesterday (my 7th game) was easily my worst so far and just wanted to do a big splurge on here to you lot ! U16 girls. So we had 4...
    • Gio
      Gio replied to the thread Question on Club assistant.
      Thanks - will do
    • Gio
      Gio reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread Question on Club assistant with Like Like.
      Let whoever appointed you to the game know, and it is probably sensible to also let your RDO know. It is arguably a child protection...
    • Gio
      Gio replied to the thread Question on Club assistant.
      Ah that's nice and clear , thank you. Still not certain whether it should come from me or someone in a higher position than myself to...
    • Gio
      Gio reacted to OnlyUseMeWhistle's post in the thread Question on Club assistant with Like Like.
      To be honest I’d just let the club know that it’s not supposed to happen and you made a mistake allowing it and that future refs...
    • Gio
      Gio replied to the thread Question on Club assistant.
      Yeah fair points - who would you say I should pass this on to?
    • Gio
      Firstly hi everyone ! Thought it was about time I joined in - this place has been a blessing as I have begun my Refereeing journey...
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