The Ref Stop
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      raf83 replied to the thread How long to go ref?.
      Thank you. I like idea of saying “minimum of”.
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      raf83 posted the thread How long to go ref? in Match Incidents.
      Had a team today who asked me how long is left? I said 30 seconds. So they sent all their team up for the corner including keeper and...
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      raf83 replied to the thread Sending off manager / assistant.
      Thanks all - helpful responses.
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      Hi, occurred to me today that I wasn’t aware of what to do if had to send off a manager / coach / assistant coach etc. would they be...
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      raf83 replied to the thread Throw Ins.
      Thanks saw this but doesn’t fully explain it to my mind. For example could throw ball in from “behind and over the head” but what if...
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      raf83 posted the thread Throw Ins in Match Incidents.
      Does anyone have any links to explain difference between a legal and illegal throw-in technique? Need to help explain to kids that ref.
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      raf83 replied to the thread Dissent.
      Thanks all. Helpful to read the responses. Tipping point (to abuse / offensive and a red) for me was the second F Off (delivered when I...
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      raf83 replied to the thread Dissent.
      Thank you. To give clarity to my question, not thinking of a question type scenario, but when its abusive / offence.
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      raf83 posted the thread Dissent in Laws of the game.
      Hello, would telling a ref to F*** Off twice be considered a sin bin offence or a straight red for "Use of offensive, insulting or...
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