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      al_2113 replied to the thread Horrible game.
      Hi I just wanted to thank all of you who replied and supported me when I put up this message. I took some of your tips and had some...
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      al_2113 replied to the thread Horrible game.
      Thank you all for your supportive messages. Its currently 3am here and I cant sleep just thinking about the match. Today I have to ref...
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      al_2113 replied to the thread Horrible game.
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      al_2113 replied to the thread Horrible game.
      Right now I just wanna step down and hang the whistle for a while, but I know I must keep going for the last few weeks of the season...
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      al_2113 replied to the thread Horrible game.
      I deeply thank you for your message. I spoke to my dad after the game as he was there watching it and he said that I didnt do...
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      al_2113 replied to the thread Horrible game.
      Thank you for replying. I just felt like the dissent and shouting started from the very start of the game. I just had a very bad game...
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      al_2113 replied to the thread Horrible game.
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      al_2113 posted the thread Horrible game in Match Incidents.
      Hello, I wanted to seek tips and advice on how to deal with having a horrible game. It was a men's game of a regional category in which...
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