World cup final

My god I’ve just fell off the sofa

Pitana got a card out

Or was that his Amex
A&H International
How do u mean? As in asvised who was to kick it?

Yes, he (and I’ve seen others do it in this tournament) indicated what he expected the player to do, I.e. kick it back to the opposition..

The good book says “referees should not ‘manufacture’ dropped ball situations.”
Yes, he (and I’ve seen others do it in this tournament) indicated what he expected the player to do, I.e. kick it back to the opposition..

The good book says “referees should not ‘manufacture’ dropped ball situations.”

It’s usually pretty obvious which way a dropped ball should be going.

Interesting u picked up on this because I can’t remember a time a referee hasn’t advised which way the dropped ball should be played.
Presumably, based on this IFAB will revise the handball law and the EPL will not introduce VAR in anything like its current form.

My hope is that, if VAR does continue, on-pitch ref reviews will be abandoned.
Allez les Bleus....... Well done France..... Deserved result with a tad of VARSE sprinkled on the side!!!
If I was Pitana I’d avoid Eastern Europe for a while
It's perfectly OK for only one side to contest a drop ball. It just can't be the ref that decides that happens.

I didn’t see the incident so hard to comment but I’ll say right lads back to keeper yeah?

Or most times I don’t need to say anything they just know.

But that could be like u say only one player contesting ball
I wonder how Michael Oliver would have got on with that final :rolleyes:
No doubt FIFA will put the handball penalty in to the "accurate basket" of VAR stats. Here is the kicker, had Pitana not given a penalty, it would have also gone into the "accurate basket". And that ladies and gentlemen is how you get 99.3% accuracy (should be up to 99.9% now) .
No doubt FIFA will put the handball penalty in to the "accurate basket" of VAR stats. Here is the kicker, had Pitana not given a penalty, it would have also gone into the "accurate basket". And that ladies and gentlemen is how you get 99.3% accuracy (should be up to 99.9% now) .

It’ll make the beautiful game ugly that’s for sure
Two good goals for France and the Sponsors. Unfortunately for Croatia, they probably won't be remembered for being kicked in the nads by FIFA, VAR and Pitana
The refs have been generally awful, but FIFA are responsible for this. Worrying that the Sponsors have influenced officiating throughout the competition :meh: