The Ref Stop

Witnessing another ref "not sending them in"

Left fielding again - but do you have any obligation, or right to report?

Are you not just another 'spectator' at said match, in the overall scheme of things? You are not an appointed official for this game, and as we've already said elsewhere the "I am a referee too" argument when dealing with players etc in games so would the referee in question be within his/her rights to dismiss your comments in the same vein? Perhaps.

Indeed, can you prove that they weren't sent in? Have you ever been asked not to send in and said nothing at all? Sometimes this is interpreted as "I've had a word and he won't put it through." when in fact the opposite is true.

I am not condoning the actions of the other referee, but nobody likes a tattle-tale, or dare I say snitch? Not necessarily my opinion, but there will be people who view you as this.You can damage yourself by getting a reputation as the stab-in-the-back guy which undermines you as a referee amongst your colleagues.

If you're involved with a club however then the game changes. "Dear disciplinary department. My player Piece Oftheaction was booked in the game against FC Nomarks. I've not seen anything from you yet. Can you please advise?" The referee gets the message from the CFA, starting with a did you forget to send it in? before building up to a formal reminder or responsibilities.

They get found out; they get caught and lose their games eventually. It doesn't make our lives easier if they don't send them in but that is how it is.
exactly being stabbed in the back by a friend/colleague, who turns out to be nothing more than a sniviling school boy clype is very unpleasent i know it happened to me because of a comment on facebook
The Ref Stop
Shall I just start the argument.....

Should we really care about dropping someone in it for being LWR?

Depends if you care about getting hassled not to send cards in?

If weren't for the clowns that are happy to take the coin but not do the admin, then players/managers wouldn't ask.

Imagine next weeks ref is a 16 yr old fresh out of the classroom and getting hassled not to send the cards in?
Personally, I wouldn't say anything. It's none of my business whether the referee was to send the cards in or not. I was there to watch a game of football. Not analyse the players or referee (unless that's why you go to games).

What would it accomplish? Not a great deal in the grand scheme of things. Ref gets annoyed because he's had someone snitch on him (because that's what you'd be doing), club gets annoyed because they have to fork out the cash (rightfully so if a member of the club has received a caution). The only winners are the CFA that get the £10!

Obviously the referee in question should be sending In ALL disciplinary reports aft each game. If he does, will it affect you? Not really. If he doesn't, does it affect you? Not really.

As for next week's ref, personally I don't think a yellow card would make any difference at all. I've never received a red in my life, but I've received 3 yellows (one of them was in a game I was being assessed on as a refere). Have they ever changed my conduct? No. I don't think that many yellow card offences would affect another referee at a later date. Red cards as the ones that will usually have an effect. If you are sending people off though, they should absolutely be reported! I've booked and sent off players for the team I've been playing for when I've had to step in and referee; as the referee I've sent them in and as the club secretary, I've then had to pay the fines.

Personally, if it makes you feel better, report it. In my opinion, it's nothing to do with me so I'd just leave it. If there was a safeguarding issue or anything serious that the referee had that attitude about, then I'd be the first on the phone to HQ!
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stabbed in the back by a friend/colleague,

He's no friend and if he doesn't send cards in I'd rather he wasn't a colleague.
Noone even asked him not to send it in, he literally said it without any encouragement.
Also the snitch angle doesn't make sense, we're REFEREES we literally are obliged to snitch on players who commit misconduct EVERY WEEK.

On a side note I NEVER identify myself as a referee when playing/watching. It's impossible to do so without sounding like you're trying to undermine the ref.

I see 2 possible oucomes:

1) He sends them in in future - WIN
2) He hangs up the whistle at the perceived justice of being reported for not doing his job - WIN

Due to my job I'm pretty much a L5 for life so County can think what they like about me.
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That's like calling a policeman a snitch for arresting the naughty people every day and providing evidence for a judge?

Don't see it as snitching when you are carrying out your roles and responsibilities as a referee correctly. By reporting misconduct, you're doing your job.

The referee you're talking about, isn't doing his job :)
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That's like calling a policeman a snitch for arresting the naughty people every day and providing evidence for a judge?

Wait I'm confused. Does this not contradict your previous post.
Also, small world, the bloke cautioned is an ex-RN WE Lieutenant
Bet you'd be sending that one in ;)
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I hope it doesn't contradict my previous post lol. Hopefully you can see what I was trying to say?

Lt WE? He'd be getting a different colour card and I'd personally hand deliver it to HQ :D
I hope it doesn't contradict my previous post lol. Hopefully you can see what I was trying to say?

Lt WE? He'd be getting a different colour card and I'd personally hand deliver it to HQ :D

Edit seen, I get what you're saying now.
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I'm quite stunned by the 'snitch' comments......
Does he have the right to complain? Of course he does. He has the right to email anybody he wants. Up to the local authorities if they think his word is worth considering or not.
Obligation? There's a moral argument there that's personal. The argument could be made about witnessing blatant misconduct by a colleague as well.
As for the comments about LWR - yes, he is 'last week's ref', because he's building the expectation that not sending in is optional or normal.
To take this conversation away on a slight tangent......

I propose a new system where sides must place all their bookings on to WGS after every game but it stays invisible till after referee has submitted reports.

This way it will show up when cards aren't reported.

How do you get clubs to ensure they do this? Fine them on a rolling scale that increases every told they fail to do it. This system also works the opposite way round as well and would show which referees weren't doing it.
To take this conversation away on a slight tangent......

I propose a new system where sides must place all their bookings on to WGS after every game but it stays invisible till after referee has submitted reports.

This way it will show up when cards aren't reported.

How do you get clubs to ensure they do this? Fine them on a rolling scale that increases every told they fail to do it. This system also works the opposite way round as well and would show which referees weren't doing it.

Would never work.

Most of the troglodytes can barely send a text message to confirm a game.
I'm quite stunned by the 'snitch' comments......
Does he have the right to complain? Of course he does. He has the right to email anybody he wants. Up to the local authorities if they think his word is worth considering or not.
Obligation? There's a moral argument there that's personal. The argument could be made about witnessing blatant misconduct by a colleague as well.
As for the comments about LWR - yes, he is 'last week's ref', because he's building the expectation that not sending in is optional or normal.
i dont know why you are stunned by the truth
Oxford Dictionary:
informer:they thought he was a snitch
"They rely on snitches for their information".

Snitches? Are we now in a jail based drama now? Stabbing a colleague in the back?


This is not a straightforward subject granted. Report it or not, don't be talking about loyalty to LWR.
@SM I don't believe it has anything to do with loyalty. Wouldn't you be annoyed if a fellow referee went to your RDO and told them something bad about you?
I've said what I think, personally we have a hard enough time with players/teams/secretaries trying to make us look bad, let's not add fellow referees to that list. Stick together, a quiet word in the ear of the referee that day would have been better than approaching RDO.
Now reporting a match official for arriving at the ground 3 mins after league rules say he should be there is one thing.
But not reporting him for failing to do the most fundamental part of his job out of some kind of misplaced loyalty to someone who makes my job harder? I owe the player on the end of the tackle more than I owe this man. I owe the 16 year old ref on this league next week more than I owe this man.
Where is out integrity fellas?
Blind loyalty to your own is almost corrupt. (South Yorkshire and the Met police are extreme examples)