Open Age Will they ever learn?


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
I think not.
Game this afternoon good end to end football, halfway through first half tackles flying in. Called both captains explained I didn't like it, yellow captain thanks me and shouts to his team, enough now. Red captain started to say well they started it.
Obviously in my radar from then on. Nothing too much after that, until last minute. Award a free kick for offside, red bench goes mental. Stop game and deal with bench. Warning issued. Red captain chirping in my ear told to control his men. Watch beeping for full time and red captain says that's it ref blow it. Loads of stoppages (3 injuries, ball in farmer fields etc) so I keep playing. Red captain decides to throw a tackle that if hit it would have broken legs, luckily yellow player got out of way, issued a yellow card. From the free kick yellow scores, 3-2 yellow. After the kick off it finished. Red players all around me, asking why the 7 minutes added time, I start to say thanks to stoppages for injuries, lost ball red keeper taking his sweet time to goal kick. One of them then accuses me of bias, followed by his manager, so told them will report allegations, one player tells me to f off while on pitch, red card, another player than keeps saying go away, another red. In car park another red player tells me he work with league chairman and he will report me, I thanked him and made him aware of yet another misconduct going in.
At start of game I asked if they have read new laws, they all said yes.
I think not, otherwise they sorta should have know.
After games like this I think: why do I bother?
A&H International
Doesn't sound good, get them all reported.

I've always said though it is a bad idea to have an audible sound on your watch when the 90 minutes are up, as players will hear it and that just risks dissent. They don't know whether you are stopping that watch or leaving it running, so may well think that the 45 plus stoppages should be up.
Spintso is the best ally for time it vibrates only no daft beeping sound and players don't question then
Sorry to hear that, sound's like an awful game but it sounds as though you held your ground. You know not every game is like this so you put it down to a once off (maybe not once....) and move on from it.
These are really tough games and not enjoyable ones - and we've all been there. I'm sure next week will go a lot smoother :)
coaching points
-Are you being a little generous with stoppage time? 7 minutes is a LOT. For the ball going into other fields and things, maybe you don't have to worry about it too much - or add a little on but not the full amount. Stoppage time is discretionary after all. And especially if it's a lower game, it would have to be pretty unusual to see 7minutes. If the keeper is taking his sweet time for a goal kick, then hurry him up and eventually book him.

How was the red captain in the 2nd half? Was he constantly in your ear with low level dissent or undermining remarks?
And how did you respond when he said 'well they started it'?
When you have a captain who isn't responding well to you, the outcome of calling them in could be that things get worse if you don't effectively handles his comments, if he's undermining what you're trying to achieve.

As for the leg breaker tackle - if the opponent has to take evasive action to avoid a leg breaker, then it's still 'endangered the safety of an opponent', has it not? Excessive force doesn't require contact. By your description it should have been a red.

Sounds like the new laws had nothing to do with it.

Many games have a 'Moment of Truth'. One pivotal moment that defines how the rest of the game goes. It can be tricky to stop. If a player puts a bad tackle on another, and the other player gets up and retaliates and the game gets heated from there you may think that's your MoT - but it could well be the bit of dissent from the first player 5 minutes prior that you let go after he felt that he had been fouled. Sometimes the MoT is what leads to the big incident.

When the game gradually heats up it can be difficult to identify - but try to think about if there was anything that could have affected the game. Was one player perhaps heating the game up more than others? If so, what was he involved in, however minor, that may have influenced his later actions?

And could you have done anything about the tackles flying in?

At parks level I'm sure we've all seen teams turn vicious and nasty at the drop of a hat on a single decision like offside.
Some great points above.

One thing I would add. Stopping the game and getting the captains in when there has been a series of poor tackles is not something I would do anymore. Nothing wrong with a stiff word of warning straight after a poor challenge in front of the relevant captain making clear that you were about to go to the pocket. However, stopping the game to talk to both captains? It just gives off a weak impression imo and can cause more problems than it solves.

On reflection, would an earlier caution have shown your tolerances had been reached more effectively?

Just my opinion.

Tough game, but you got through it. Keep your chin up mate. After all, if this referring thing was easy everyone would do it!!!! :D
At that level I don't think there is a need to play such "accurate" added time, especially if the game is getting tasty. Stoppages or not, if it's getting a bit heated just play 2 or 3 minutes and get yourself out of there.
Agree with most above - I used to employ "stop/start" watch and invariably surprise was expressed at the amount of time added on.

Now, like the majority, I estimated added time, but will stop watch IN added time if there is a significant stoppage and its a close game.
I think not.
Watch beeping for full time ...

Sorry, lesson one = don't have audible sounds on your watches :wall:

Sorry Gents, read what the LOTG says..

“Using excessive force” means that the player has far exceeded the necessary use of force and is in danger of injuring his opponent. The original post does not mention the player was in danger just he got out of the way...

Btw..whether he got out the way or not. Excessive force is excessive force
Red captain decides to throw a tackle that if hit it would have broken legs, luckily yellow player got out of way, .....
To me that implies that the player was in danger if he didn't move

Yes, it could be read that way. My point was that it has to be excessive force and a danger to players, which your statement did not state. I was trying to ensure that the new referees were aware of the correct law.

And @Darius - just because i have already assessed you this year, don't think your safe.... Come 1 March, we start again. Also I may come and watch your matches as a league official.
Sorry, lesson one = don't have audible sounds on your watches :wall:

Sorry Gents, read what the LOTG says..

“Using excessive force” means that the player has far exceeded the necessary use of force and is in danger of injuring his opponent. The original post does not mention the player was in danger just he got out of the way...

did you not read the part that says the tackle would have broken his legs had he not jumped out of the way??? :eek::eek:
Both my watches are on vibrate. I too learnt my lesson long time ago about it being audible to players. I never " add" time on for injuries,ball retrieval etc. i stop/start the watch which will then still indicate when the full 90 minutes is up. If any players asks about "added" time i say that i start/stop my watch.
Of course the exception is the taking of a penalty :)
I stand there ( in the stoppage of play) with my hand raised and finger on the watch button so it is a visual aid to all the players what i am doing.