Whistle Recommendations

Josh the referee

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Does anyone have any Whistle Recommendations? Don't need anything major, just something that will do for next season.

I currently have a Fox 40 Classic but would like another whistle as a back up or to try out?
A&H International
If you don’t want to pay for the Valkeen, Molten’s dolphin is a nice choice (and I believe was the precursor to the Valkeen)

im also fond of the fox40 mini

(I usually use the dolphin or mini unless I’m on a multi-field park or just feel like doing something different—I have way too many different whistles…)

if you’re lookin for a different sound for multi-field places, the Fox 40 pearl had a very different tone (though I find it harder to “talk” with than the others

the other whistle I have with a different pitch is the ACME tornado—it looks like a bent stick of gum.
I do like the Molten Dolfin. There are various models available which I didn’t know beforehand. I found the football and basketball whistles have a slightly different pitch, football being slightly lower.

My preference is for the basketball version because of the higher and sharper note when blowing it.
I tend to alternate between the Valkeen and my trusty Fox 40.

Both excellent quality. The Valkeen is superior in my opinion as it is just so clear and sharp.
I use the Molten Dolfin. Find it dead easy to use and distinctive tone. Good whistle for a good price.
I’m intrigued by those who love the sonic blast. while loud (frankly louder than I think anyone needs outside of a stadium), I found it hard to “talk with, and it just lurks in my bag.
I’m intrigued by those who love the sonic blast. while loud (frankly louder than I think anyone needs outside of a stadium), I found it hard to “talk with, and it just lurks in my bag.
It doesn't need the technique required that the other whistles need and is easy to use, I think that's the attraction.
I find that just blowing the whistle does the trick for me. No idea what these threads are all about TBH :eek:
As long as it doesn't sound like a rugby, umpire or pea whistle, I ain't bovered. Oh, except Molteen style fingergrip works better than other ideas for me
I find that just blowing the whistle does the trick for me. No idea what these threads are all about TBH :eek:
As long as it doesn't sound like a rugby, umpire or pea whistle, I ain't bovered. Oh, except Molteen style fingergrip works better than other ideas for me
Agree, unless you are refereeing in a big stadium I really don't see the fascination with spending money on fancy whistles. Never once has a player or manager said "you've got a really good sounding whistle ref, well done", so as long as you don't sound like a PE teacher with a pea whistle it really doesn't matter.

As the saying goes, it isn't what you've got it's what you do with it 😂