Which Heart Rate Monitor? Polar RS800CX oe Polar RCX3 GPS


I'll take a tough game over an easy game any day!!
Level 4 Referee
Hi my polar rs400 broke a few days ago. Im looking to invest in a new HR Monitor for both training and games, but i cant decide between the rs800cx and the rc3 gps. I go on runs every day so it does benefit me. Any help would be much apreciated, thanks in advance. I MEANT RC3 GPS NOT RCX3 GPS
A&H International
Hi Karl,

If you're looking into a new Polar, I'd give a close consideration to the newer models - the V800 and the M400 - which have made major strides in updating technology etc. using more Bluetooth elements to link across multiple devices and a newer Flow system for analysis etc.

I updated my RS400 to an RCX5 GPS a last year, which in itself if a great HRM but I'm now giving serious thought about moving up to the V800.
Hi ASM, I'll look into the V800, had a little glance then saw the price tag!! I'll look into it, thanks again