When is a DOGSO not a DOGSO?


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Had an interesting one in a game a few weeks back. Attacking side get away two on two. Defender brings down attacker who'd got 'wrong' side of him. I'm about to go free kick and dismissal when in my two second 'assessment' time the second attacker seizes onto the loose ball, rounds the keeper and scores! I shouted advantage as he was rounding the keeper but was then unsure whether the defender's offence was a 'proper' DOGSO and thus cautioned.

Would be interested to see how others would have handled it and also what is correct in law? I feel it should be a dismissal but was unsure.
A&H International
You were completely right in what you did, denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity can not take place if the player has scored because nothing has been denied has it?
You cannot dismiss if they have scored from advantage in same passage of play. Basic law. Caution and award goal. Simple.

No question of dismissal as you allowed ADV. which they scored from so didn't "deny a goal"

This is such basic law I'm amazed a level 5 is doubting himself! Guess it happens to all of us
No DOGSO as a goal was scored = no denial of goal scoring opportunity.

The decision whether to caution after the advantage goal will depend on the nature of the foul. If it just a careless and clumsy error in judgement you could just give him a talking to and a warning that he almost got himself sent off and he needs to behave from now on. If it was a cynical (and dumb) attempt to bring the attacker down or a reckless tackle then caution.

Of course the level of the game, temperature of the game at the time and how tightly you are managing it would also play a part.
You tend to doubt, question or reflect on decisions regularly. It's all part of the self improvement package. The reason this one bugged me for longer is simply it's a situation that I've neither had myself or seen at all anywhere since that particular 'recommendation' came in. Even after nearly 20 years there is still the odd surprise around the corner and I'm always looking for hints and tips to improve.
Playing devils advocate here ........? going against a previous point I have made !!!

The word Advantage .....surely the real" Advantage" to the attacking side would be a penalty and the other team reduced to 10 men ?

just a thought
Wasn't a penalty as was outside the area. Attacking side was already 5 up with about 15 to play. But I'm sure somewhere in LOAF it mentions to play advantage at every possible opportunity or words to that effect
got you but if it was inside

this is what happens when a law is left open to interpretation , its not really a law anymore
Playing devils advocate here ........? going against a previous point I have made !!!

The word Advantage .....surely the real" Advantage" to the attacking side would be a penalty and the other team reduced to 10 men ?

just a thought

Although in principal I agree a Sunday league team being able to pack the penalty area and boot a ball from a free kick 50 yards out is more useful than me allowing a player to carry on if he's been fouled. But I don't think you can say scoring a goal isn't an advantage.

If I'm playing an advantage the only question comes if the attacker who is running onto the ball appeals and stops playing then I would be inclined to blow up and give the red. But he would have to made that decision before I've managed to shout advantage play on.
dave I do agree

still a grey area though

is it more of an advantage ....? there is the question , suppose it depends on what point in the game the offence takes place

what happens if the fouled player decides to drop to floor and say yes ref we will take that ?

Has it then got to be penalty , red card , and a yellow for the striker for USB ??
I see your point @Beezer but I just think for the sake of the games integrity we can deem anything a greater advantage than scoring a goal.

Also another point is I personally think good refereeing is about being able to make the right decision in split seconds. Deciding is an advantage or stopping play and giving a red a greater advantage would cause issues. To make that call I'd need to factor in so many different things such as score line, time remaining, overall flow of the match. I think it would be impossible to process all that in a short space of time to make an accurate decision.

But I do see the point your making. And in truth as a spurs fan if it's the first minute against arsenal I'd take a red card for their defender rather than the goal! But that probably speaks more about my faith Spurs in the moment more than anything else!
down to 10 men in first minute , you might sneak a point :p

You have more faith in my team than I do! I was thinking take the red card option as least then we wouldn't have the goal advantage and go through those emotions of thinking we might have a chance. Only then to watch us ultimately throw it away!