What would your decision be.....

Kicks or attempts to kick is a red card. The initial kick is difficult to picture, but the retaliation sounds a nailed on send off to me.

Red card for violent conduct. Kicks or attempts to kick a player. No debate about it, if it's as bad as you say.

Actually kicks or attempts to kick is a direct free kick offence. It is the nature of the kick/attempted kick (careless, reckless or excessive force) that determines the sanction.
A&H International
Actually kicks or attempts to kick is a direct free kick offence. It is the nature of the kick/attempted kick (careless, reckless or excessive force) that determines the sanction.

A kick for violent conduct is always a direct free kick, unless it's happened during a stop in play AFAIK.

Careless, Reckless and Excessive Force does not apply to violent conduct, obviously if a player's barely tapped an opposition player in frustration, then use your head and common sense. But if he's taken a full swing, then it's a red card. It's not a challenge for the ball if it's a clear cut kick out.
So my question is if a foul occurs and the opponent then retaliate, is that considered to be at the same time, or a separate action at a later time (i.e. a split-second later)?
The latter. A dictionary definition of simultaneous is: happening or being done at exactly the same time. Not a split second earlier, not a split second later. Retaliation by definition, cannot be simultaneous since it is done in reaction to and therefore later than, an earlier action. The old saying, "Get your retaliation in first," is amusing precisely because it's logically impossible.