What to do on World Cup breaks?


Well-Known Member
Level 3 Referee
What do you folks do when the World Cup takes a break for a few days? I am suffering withdrawals and trying to satisfy my cravings with FIFA 18.
A&H International
My daughter has taken control of the remote and has downloaded all series of Hannah Montana! Help I've seen this episode at least twice before. Roll on Friday. Sorry Ciley!
I’m watching my wedding video in reverse. It’s about a nagged, hen pecked man freeing himself of the shackles and going out getting p1ssed with his mates!
Del Boy has just arrived at my Chateux in the St Germain district of Paris... Avez vous Tetleys?
I'm doing my off-season training using the guide that is on the resource forums.

Today was High Intensity Training and the weather is actually cool enough I'm not dead at the warm up this time.

Otherwise, I'll probably be playing something like Football Manager, trying my best not to blame the referee for my tactical failings. :p
Nearly choked when I checked into the hotel, 1, I’m paying. :mad: & 2, it’s €213 a night! :(
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I was meant to read lotg and do trillion things I have not had time to do before, but ended up watching netflix and eating cookies. Well, at least I went jogging so it ain't that bad :D
My standard advice to students who want to make money gambling is to be the bookie, not the punter.

If you do want to use maths, stats and probability, you could do worse than use this site:

You can't make money betting on elite football. With tens of millions traded on these games, the markets are 'perfect', so you won't overcome the margin or commission
I've worked in the gaming industry for best part of 20 years. If someone was ultra disciplined, it may be realistic to profit from League 1 down, based on intimate knowledge of the teams and players. But it's a full time job
The alternative is to bet on a game which is bent. Irregular betting patterns are not uncommon, mostly in other countries in less developed leagues; however you may need to join an organised criminal gang to be in the know. Even then, it's very difficult to get any serious money on because the larger bookmakers will spot it quickly. Even FIFA World Cup bound officials can't resist a bung (Mirdasi, isolated notable example)
You can't make money betting on elite football. With tens of millions traded on these games, the markets are 'perfect', so you won't overcome the margin or commission
I've worked in the gaming industry for best part of 20 years. If someone was ultra disciplined, it may be realistic to profit from League 1 down, based on intimate knowledge of the teams and players. But it's a full time job
The alternative is to bet on a game which is bent. Irregular betting patterns are not uncommon, mostly in other countries in less developed leagues; however you may need to join an organised criminal gang to be in the know.

Look for an arb they can still be found but the tricky thing is getting both parts of your bet on.

The best route to gauranteed profit or Atleast the security of getting your stake back is double chance & team to win so basicly two bets that cover all three possible outcomes.

England to win or draw = double chance

Sweden to win = team to win

If you scan the net daily all around the world you will find one, I used to do it a lot until I won three times in a row with one online bookie and they cut my stakes down to £40.

It’s very small fractions but with large stakes it’s worth it, like I said the hard part is getting both parts of your bet on because the minute you win a few with one particular bookie they shut you down.

Around 5-6 years ago Brazil played in copa America it was EVS for Brazil to win & I found 5/4 on the other team to win or draw, layed out £1600 and profited £200, happy days but the problem was I won the same type of bet a few times with the same bookie & to them I was winning thousands but in theory I was only winnning £25-200 a time, they obviously cut your stakes or shut you down.

I’ve won & lost thousands over the years, I’ve staked 10k on England to win £200, I’ve staked 3k on Chelsea to win £500, they are my two biggest bets & I was on a slippery slope at that time of my life & lost all control.

Best bet in the world & most satisfying is a £5 accumulator to win £50-100, best feeling fun and within a working mans means.