What to call players by

Depends on the type of game for me. If I know players from both teams then first names will suffice.

I dont know its no normally numbers
A&H International
Still get called Anton's dad by 16 year old players who my boy played with at school when he was 8 and these lads were 9! I never use a players name even if I know them. Red 7 etc and skips or captain or keeper. I think it helps with match control and when doing youth gives the parents less to complain about.
I avoid using names even when I know them. It can create an impression of familiarity/bias among the other team and their supporters especially in a contentious game. Losing teams often feel slighted by a referee or a specific decision. It just adds fuel to that fire in my opinion if they hear you use names indicating a relationship with the other players.

I go with their number or color and number. If they are so young they don't know their number then it is likely a very young group and small sided soccer/football.
How man, hey man or what's gannin' on here like!?
Words can't be used against you if the players have no idea what's being said...
Worked with a local ref, good one too, who had the knack of knowing every starting players name inside the first ten or fifteen minutes........I struggled to
remember my lad's name when I reffed his team, and at the start of my career that was most weeks!
Shirt number, approximate position (defender/midfielder/striker) or "player" if you don't know either of those things. Avoid describing them in any circumstance, as you might inadvertently offend them and inflame the situation!

I also try and avoid using player names, even if I've picked them up from their teammates talking to them. I reason that I therefore save calling player for their name for when they've already given it to me for their first yellow and I need to talk to them about the possibility of a second yellow.
I’ve always used player!!! While working as a parent ref !! It seems to have ALWAYS worked so when and if indeed I manage to get through my basic course that is what I’ll use thank you
What is a player more likely to respond to kindly and be ready to accept his warning
If i know no8 is Graham and he knows I know it, then of course am going to use his name rather than number, thats just decency
Certainly dont buy into not using names because someone in the other team might smell out bias. Knowing someones name is not going to make me give them a throw in over the other team. Anybody who thinks it does, for me, has their own issues to sort out in their own head before they worry about mine
Plenty of things you can say. "Yes i know his name av'e reffed him before"
"Everybody knows xxx"
"If i knew your name i would use it too"

If your reffing a troublesome character and you know this to be the case from your own exp, I cant see how referring to him as number 8 is going to help you communicate your message when you fine well know his name

One thing I do avoid however on the park is nicknames. Roy Keane would be Roy, possibly Mr Keane on occasions, but for me, never Keano

As ever each to own but I personally dont like managers who know me shouting. " ref sub". In the right circumstances, use my name

Kids football am not using players name tho. And I moderate my language too in kids games.

Top level league refs in my exp use players names. In Scotland anyway, their are only say ten refs who rotate on say, Celtics games, so the players get to know them pretty well.
What is a player more likely to respond to kindly and be ready to accept his warning
If i know no8 is Graham and he knows I know it, then of course am going to use his name rather than number, thats just decency
Certainly dont buy into not using names because someone in the other team might smell out bias. Knowing someones name is not going to make me give them a throw in over the other team. Anybody who thinks it does, for me, has their own issues to sort out in their own head before they worry about mine
Plenty of things you can say. "Yes i know his name av'e reffed him before"
"Everybody knows xxx"
"If i knew your name i would use it too"

If your reffing a troublesome character and you know this to be the case from your own exp, I cant see how referring to him as number 8 is going to help you communicate your message when you fine well know his name

One thing I do avoid however on the park is nicknames. Roy Keane would be Roy, possibly Mr Keane on occasions, but for me, never Keano

As ever each to own but I personally dont like managers who know me shouting. " ref sub". In the right circumstances, use my name

Kids football am not using players name tho. And I moderate my language too in kids games.

Top level league refs in my exp use players names. In Scotland anyway, their are only say ten refs who rotate on say, Celtics games, so the players get to know them pretty well.

Absolutely spot on. Couldnt agree more. Know a players name then use it. If it gets mentioned and it will from time to time, point to two or three of the opposing players. Yes, i know, Pete, Gary and Dave too, guarantee that will shut them up.

I will quickly pick up a few names within 10/15 minutes of a game and use them as appropriate.