What to call players by


Well-Known Member
Guys ! Quick puzzling question I’m about to take my basic refs course after a couple of seasons reffing boys football as a parent just one thing I addressed anyone that I had to talk to as player ie come here player this seemed to work well for me but what are your thoughts for me going forwards thanks in advance
A&H International
Fella or player number..

Nine times out of ten a couple of sharp blows on the whistle they know who they are they’ll turn round.
Shirt number, approximate position (defender/midfielder/striker) or "player" if you don't know either of those things. Avoid describing them in any circumstance, as you might inadvertently offend them and inflame the situation!

I also try and avoid using player names, even if I've picked them up from their teammates talking to them. I reason that I therefore save calling player for their name for when they've already given it to me for their first yellow and I need to talk to them about the possibility of a second yellow.
Generally speaking, you should address a player by their shirt number.

I do use a player's christian name or nickname during a match if I'm able to remember it though. Depends on the team and the match. :):cool:
Player or anything but his name, it doesn’t sound good to the opponent that if you’re in first name terms!
So calling player is ok then I had no
Problems with it numbers do not reflect that well in boys football most of them can’t remember their number thanks for the advice player it is then
This is really not a one size fits all situation. It all depends on the game and teams. How well do you know one or both teams. How well do they know you? How competitive is the game and how tense is it? The reason you are addressing the player? Etc.

Red 8, United 8, player 8, Jack, Mate... are all acceptable if used at the right situation and context. You judge which best helps you better control the specific situation and the overall match control.

To give an example at coin toss sometimes I know both captains by name so I greet them both by first name. If I don't know their names then I would after introductions. I always address the away captain by first name to call the toss.
If I ever need to talk to a captain for game control purposes I call him as 'captain'. It makes it clear it's his role I am addressing.
Hardly ever used first names, felt that was not good in certain situations. Yes, at the toss that’s informal but I’d be miffed as an opponent if the ref was first name terms with the opposition! Not good that!
Hardly ever used first names, felt that was not good in certain situations. Yes, at the toss that’s informal but I’d be miffed as an opponent if the ref was first name terms with the opposition! Not good that!

Where do u stand on pro refs using players names for communication?
There is a Dave whose becoming a Daphnie in one league locally! Not sure who’s changing rooms she pops in first!
I had a county cup quarter final last season, with a team I regularly referee against a team from another region I hadn’t had before. The home manager kept stepping onto the fop, so I shouted “Albert, get off the pitch!” at him. An opposing player moaned that “he knows their names!” When I shouted back “yes, because I’ve written it down quite a lot!” everyone found it funny and Albert stayed off the pitch from then on!
There are times when using names helps defuse situations.
I’ve also had times when it’s worked against me. As One says, there’s no hard and fast rule.
Even though I know a player’s name I’ll still follow the set procedure. I have asked a player “what’s your name, Fred (or whatever)?” Sometimes you get a smile, sometimes it’s a blank look, and you know he had a late night!
The only benefit I had of refereeing my old team is when it came to booking one of them & it was only the one, I could just show a quick card & play on like the pro refs.