What really grinds my gears


Next Weeks Ref
When you reach for your book to caution a player and players from the OTHER team say "aww come on ref don't book him"

Really grinds my gears!
A&H International
I get annoyed when you get the book out, pencil and yellow card, get their name and then they still manage to say "you're not booking me for that are you?"

Are you joking, I've got my book out, I'm writing your name down and have the yellow card out ready. What on earth else do you think I'll be doing!

With you on that one! Almost guaranteed that the same player will be asking for a booking for the opposition five minutes later! :hmmm:
I love it when one of those truly 50-50 gritty tackles goes in and the ball flies out for a throw.

There's no way of anybody possibly knowing who's throw it is including the players involved, so you make a decision and one of the players in the tackle properly spits his dummy out like it was the most obvious decision ever.
What really grinds my gears: I experienced this yestersay (happens every few games). The losing team, to a man, refuse to shake my hand after the game. The fat little manager waddled over and snatched the ball at my feet away before turning fat little tail and waddling off. Really wanted to put my foot through the ball and punt it right in his pudgy little mush as he bent over. Joys of having to set a standard of behaviour expected from a referee eh?

Complete lack of sportsmanship and absence of any class. Always the same teams.

I look forward to having them again later in the season.
What really grinds my gears: I experienced this yestersay (happens every few games). The losing team, to a man, refuse to shake my hand after the game. The fat little manager waddled over and snatched the ball at my feet away before turning fat little tail and waddling off. Really wanted to put my foot through the ball and punt it right in his pudgy little mush as he bent over. Joys of having to set a standard of behaviour expected from a referee eh?

Complete lack of sportsmanship and absence of any class. Always the same teams.

I look forward to having them again later in the season.

On a flip side of this, u17 game today, competitive, but never boiled over much. A close 2-1 game, away team who was losing in the final 10 started giving away silly freekicks just trying to get the ball back so got a bit annoyed by me. But full time whistle literally 90% of both teams came over and shook my hand. An absolute pleasure and not I've seen two teams take the result and decisions so well.
I had a similar game a few weeks ago Dave, an U18 ladies game.

Had a decent game, the girls were a pleasure and not one question of a decision.

Girls enjoyed the game but at full time not one handshake. Can only assume that was because I was a bloke :confused::eek:
It's nice when that happens and that was how my game last week ended. Higher level teams, far better game, tough contest. At the end, hand shakes all around. It's the teams that are all aggression and aggro at the cost of any level of sportsmanship that I was bemoaning...

Like I said in my original post.... Every few games...
It's nice when that happens and that was how my game last week ended. Higher level teams, far better game, tough contest. At the end, hand shakes all around. It's the teams that are all aggression and aggro at the cost of any level of sportsmanship that I was bemoaning...

Like I said in my original post.... Every few games...

The teams that are all aggression and aggro are the ones that lose. I maintain that the teams that keep their heads and play football win games. The second they lose it, give away the silly fouls, start blaming the ref etc it falls to pieces.
Its almost a 100% correlation for me. The better the teams, the less dissent and childishness there is and vice versa.
Ha ha I recall the fat little gentleman you refer to SM, his post match actions cost his team a point and a few quid the last time I reffed them before I left Pembs. The club assistant they gave me that day was the main cause of it for his insistence to attempt to pass judgement on everything from non existent offsides to balls being within the corner arch.