What happened?

Lewis Hart

New Member
How do I find out what happened after I submitted my caution and misconduct reports? (e.g fine, ban, etc.)

Thanks in Advance
A&H International
Once they are sent off, that's it. Let county do their job, you just get to focus on your next game! :)
Just curious. i had quite a nasty away team coach. I couldn't send him from the vicinity of play, I was too intimidated! I felt sorry for the kids that played for him.
They used to post them on sussex fa website but I believe it contravened european human rights laws or something.

Actually, it was data protection but human rights sounded better
If you really want to know then a quick email to your county discipline officer should bring forth the answer.

But, be warned, you might end up feeling underwhelmed or even utterly betrayed when you see the result. Many CFAs prefer to keep clubs or favoured coaches happy by dishing out ridiculously lenient sanctions.
Not your concern what happened, just move on and forget about it unless you have to go to a disciplinary hearing
That statement there is felt strongly by lots of referees. It's not so we know the details of what actually happened, but to know that something actually did happen and we are supported by CFA's.
Just curious. i had quite a nasty away team coach. I couldn't send him from the vicinity of play, I was too intimidated! I felt sorry for the kids that played for him.

It may not be the case for your example but, as per other threads, you can't send him from the vicinity of play if you're in a public place. Stop, suspend, abandon and report for misconduct to cfa are the options open to you. The use of the first three may result in him leaving the vicinity of play, the fourth is absolutely essential for anyone involved in children's football whom any referee finds 'nasty and intimidating'

If you haven't already done so, I suggest that you put a report in to your county fa about him asap. if it's' late', just add an apology for that. Let the appropriate league know that you have reported him for misconduct, no more, no less
Totally agree , if somehow you do find out the sanction for what you think is a serious offence , you will more often than not find that your fa has been way too lenient on the player