What got you into refereeing?

A&H International
I was helping out with my sons junior team and having to referee due to nobody else willing to do it. Did the course because thought I might as well know the rules. Anyway 3 days after the course I received an email giving me a fixture in mens 11v11 couldn't even remember agreeing to ref in a league at all. Anyway being the sort if person who hates to let anyone down I did it, never been so nervous in my life. At half time I was ready to walk off but an old hand who I'd told it was my first game said " dont worry just use your whistle more, you'll be ok." At the end of the game I was told by another player he'd "never seen such a bad ref"! Anyway 12 years later I'm still at it and I'm sure to a lot of players I'm still the worst! 😂

'still the worst"
Consistency .
Thats exactly what we aim for and what the players want 👍
Just retort with a comment like, ‘look lads, your managers asked for consistency, getting everything wrong is a form of consistency!’ 😂
£170 today!


£20 for the 'intro' course, which lets you do junior games.
£80 for the full course, which gets you qualified as a referee in full.

That's in the FAW. It's online only now as well. The £80 has a female only course for the ladies, and also supplies a kit.

The idea behind the pricing is the kit to get you started and also that you'd earn the money back in four games, so it isn't seen as a massive barrier to entry. (I think 40% of the course fee is paid for by the FAW if you're referred to the course by a club, I'm not sure.)

£170 tho, woo...