What do you wear.........

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Hi Zarathusra...

One does not doff.. Chuckling....

One greets verbally i.e. Mam, Lady, Malady, Your Highness, Your Majesty, Your Grace, Your Excellency, Your good self,
Miss, Ms, Mrs...etc

Are charcoal, slated grey, Navy blue, Emerald green coloured shoes allowed?
May one inquire what is wrong with brown coloured shoes??
A&H International
Certainly at grass roots, I Don't see many players or club officials making a first impression, why should the referee. I'm not saying you should turn out in scruffy dirty gear but it's not a fashion parade.........

Regardless of the level or type of football.. Arrive early, professionally dressed, courteous in execution and smile...

Otherwise are you or your performance the legacy for the next Referee/Referees....
Since we almost never have ref facilities in the US, I usually show up in some sort of state or national federation shirt like this.

Smart black tracksuit, usually warm up gear/socks/shorts under already, neat trainers, clean matching black autumn jacket or monster black winter touchline jacket if it's brass monkeys (1.5 degrees today... I'll be going to futsal in minus 20)
Certainly at grass roots, I Don't see many players or club officials making a first impression, why should the referee. I'm not saying you should turn out in scruffy dirty gear but it's not a fashion parade.........
it about self respect
Nobody is saying turn up in rags, but at the initial levels you need to learn your trade before you earn the right to turn up at the better levels where this is very much expected... I remember meeting a young L5 in a changing room doing Sunday league, he was dressed up to the 9s and talked the County FA talk, 2 hours later I watched bits of his game before half time and full-time, he was so far below what he should have been it was embarrassing, Great kit, talked the talk, car crash referee!!!!
Nobody is saying turn up in rags, but at the initial levels you need to learn your trade before you earn the right to turn up at the better levels where this is very much expected... I remember meeting a young L5 in a changing room doing Sunday league, he was dressed up to the 9s and talked the County FA talk, 2 hours later I watched bits of his game before half time and full-time, he was so far below what he should have been it was embarrassing, Great kit, talked the talk, car crash referee!!!!
All the gear and no idea
All the gear and no idea
Thankfully, there's only so much money one can spend on refereeing attire! Just buy the Nike kit and remember to wash it each week, unless you don't want the players getting too close. It's mostly our very young or quite old colleagues who tend to look a mess. I watch some girls footy on Saturday mornings whilst my lad is at training on the adjacent pitch. The kids wear leggings when it's quite mild, boots that could guide a 747 into land and shirt hanging out all over the place. The old timers love those socks with the massive white cuff, which they've owned for forty years
The old timers love those socks with the massive white cuff, which they've owned for forty years

What was wrong with them?

They were good enough for the England Rugby Union team, and you definitely didn't clash with a teams socks.

But at least they are not yellow, like the CL referees have to wear
Regardless of the level or type of football.. Arrive early, professionally dressed, courteous in execution and smile...

Otherwise are you or your performance the legacy for the next Referee/Referees....

You've never seen me referee, so how can you have a condescending opinion of me? You can stick your sanctimonious platitudes where the sun doesn't shine my friend. Nothing wrong with clean and presentable at grass roots. Know your trade and try not tonfeck up and all will be well.

it about self respect

I have plenty of self respect and I don't need to be suited and booted to reinforce it.
Ref kit on and a black tracksuit top. I want to look decent enough but don't want to look like I've walked out of the A&H catalogue shop for a pub league fixture!
What is wrong with being the current model for A&H???
A discount might apply?? Sound's like a missed opportunity....😊
You've never seen me referee, so how can you have a condescending opinion of me? You can stick your sanctimonious platitudes where the sun doesn't shine my friend. Nothing wrong with clean and presentable at grass roots. Know your trade and try not tonfeck up and all will be well.

Mintyref... Gosh one was not being condescending or unkind at all.. I was not judging at all. I merely passed on what was said to me. As a Referee..

I have plenty of self respect and I don't need to be suited and booted to reinforce it.
You've never seen me referee, so how can you have a condescending opinion of me? You can stick your sanctimonious platitudes where the sun doesn't shine my friend. Nothing wrong with clean and presentable at grass roots. Know your trade and try not tonfeck up and all will be well.

I have plenty of self respect and I don't need to be suited and booted to reinforce it.
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