Junior/Youth What do you think


Active Member
Match yesterday....Reds v Greens

5 minutes to go Reds are on the attack, greens step up leaving Red 9 in an offside position..

Red 10 plays the ball towards Red 9 who moves towards the ball and is about to play it until Red 10 says 'leave it' at this point Red 9 is about to take control of the ball........Assistant flags offside

First Question....Was Red 9 active as he went to play the ball and interfered with play??

Ref blows his whistle Green defenders and keeper stop play

Red 10 goes through and puts the ball into the net.......linesman says Red 10 wasnt the one offside.

Referee then awards a goal, when asked by the manager about blowing his whistle and stopping play he said ' The laws of the game say I can change my decision at any point until I restart.'

Your thoughts?
A&H International
If Red 9 has got close enough to almost play the ball, he is definitely 'active'.

Once the whistle is blown, play is stopped......end of story. The Ref was an idiot for allowing the goal. I'd be marking 0 for that and happily explaining why on the report form if I was the manager!

What age group was this?
If the referee has blown his whistle, and then they went on to score, with the ref allowing the goal... That's pretty awful by the ref imo.
Also, if the red 9 is about to take control of the ball the way you seem to describe it, I'd say definitely interfering anyway.
That is what you could call a bad day at the office for the ref.

You didn't say whether it was neutral or club assistants, confusion over offside happens (with CARs hopefully not with NARs!). However, once the whistle goes, that's it, play stops. End of story.

Technically the ref is right, he can change his decision - however, his options are limited - it could be an offside or a drop ball where the ball was when he blew the whistle. Why on earth he would do anything other than give the offside though is beyond me.
Was Red no.9 active? No, not IMHO! Unless he actually touches the ball then he is not interfering with play

"In the context of Law 11 – Offside, the following definitions apply:

“interfering with play” means playing or touching the ball passed or touched by a team-mate"

However, that being said the decision to award the goal was also wrong. Once the referee whistles the game is effectively stopped.
I mean the number of times I shout and hear shouted play to the whistle lads, to undermine that is just madness. And believe me there are times I wished I hadn't whistled but you have so you stick by it.
This was an Under 13 league match, thankfully the awarding of the goal didn't matter as Greens were up by a few but to say I was a little perplexed by the decision to award the goal...had it been the decisive goal there could have been some different reactions