What age do you play passbacks?


New Member
Im reffing an under 10s vs under 11s friendly and I was wondering if I should warn players on their first pass back and penalise their second pass back or penalise the first
A&H International
The rule tends to be penalised in U11s upwards, but unless there is no league ruling I would check with the managers before the game to see what they normally do.
This is going to turn into another "they're kids" versus "they need to learn" debate, isn't it?
Our federation tells us, as referees, that "Your primary role is to educate rather than punish".

We don't have goalkeepers until u9s, so they should have had a full season playing with GK Laws by the time they reach u10/u11.
At u7 we play 5-a-side, mini goals - about 1 metre wide, or those little pop-up ones.

At 8, it is six-a-side, with 2mx1m goals and a 'scoring zone' - so they can't shoot until they are with 8m of the goal line.

At 9 the goalkeepers come into the game.

I tell ya, it will be the same, or similar, in the UK from next season!
At u7 we play 5-a-side, mini goals - about 1 metre wide, or those little pop-up ones.

At 8, it is six-a-side, with 2mx1m goals and a 'scoring zone' - so they can't shoot until they are with 8m of the goal line.

At 9 the goalkeepers come into the game.

I tell ya, it will be the same, or similar, in the UK from next season!
Ah right. It was always proper football for us :p