West wales fitness test


The avuncular one
And the day has come! Sunday September 22nd in Neath!

It's the FIFA style test. 40m sprints in set time and the 150 m in 35 sec 50 walk in so many seconds.

Sprints are no problem, not sure about the other test as not tried any like it, but would easily clear a cooper test at 2500 metres (as that is what my nearly daily run usually amounts to!).

I have a game on the Saturday. Then an early hour and a halfs drive before the test on Sunday. Not sure if I should pull the game on the Saturday to ensure I am fresh for the test? Failure means no assessments until the test is passed. I don't know this for certain, but that could be a years wait!

Was supposed to have a work leaving do for a colleague on the Friday before also, guess that now goes from one or two pints (probably 4!) to no pints!
A&H International
And the day has come! Sunday September 22nd in Neath!

It's the FIFA style test. 40m sprints in set time and the 150 m in 35 sec 50 walk in so many seconds.

Sprints are no problem, not sure about the other test as not tried any like it, but would easily clear a cooper test at 2500 metres (as that is what my nearly daily run usually amounts to!).

I have a game on the Saturday. Then an early hour and a halfs drive before the test on Sunday. Not sure if I should pull the game on the Saturday to ensure I am fresh for the test? Failure means no assessments until the test is passed. I don't know this for certain, but that could be a years wait!

Was supposed to have a work leaving do for a colleague on the Friday before also, guess that now goes from one or two pints (probably 4!) to no pints!
I've got it as well :) The sprints are 7 seconds for each
Have you tried this type of test before? Curious about the main part of the test. Will try and set up something similar distance wise next week to see what it is like.
I know someone who has done it and apparently it's really easy.
SMonkey. If promotion is that important to you, I would avoid the game on the Saturday. Games come and go, but if you get injured in the game you will wait some time before the opportunity to do the fitness test again. Is one game worth that? Just a thought.
It's a bit chicken and egg. Blow out an appointment to do a fitness test regarding the very thing I am blowing out the day before! Lol

It terms of fitness, if im not possibly aching or nursing anything from a game the day before I don't think it will be an issue. Possibly easier than the Cooper test for me as I hate longer distance running, always a sprinter! I am sure it will be fine, just keep pace with aled!
Okay, with no running track near me I have improvised! Up the local rugby pitch which is 95 m (roughly, according to google maps) from try line to try line. Also a little bit up hill (!) and angled slightly to one side. I run from try line, to other try line, turn around and run back to the half way line in the goal time of 35 seconds, then walk back to try line to restart.

It went okay, went far to quickly on first effort, but got the pace better on the next few efforts and having to stop and turn around would cost a small amount of time - was doing it in 30 seconds which give or take for the distance/hill etc seems to work out okay. My walking back to start was a little fast, but that is not a problem. Did not complete the full 16 (or even half) as will be required on the day of test due to feeling my left hamstring, but aside from that tightness I felt fine. Had 3 games in 5 days last week (Wed, Sat, Sun) so will have a little rest before having a proper go at the full 16 repetitions. Feeling a bit more confident about it. Heal up hamstring, we have work to do!
My plan to just follow aled paid off well! Test completed. :)

Was glad to see the final lap of the track during the endurance section.
In case anyone's wondering, it did sort of literally happen! We were in the same group for the endurance section of the test.

The fifa style test is not what I would describe as easy, but it is very doable, especially if you are in a good group as the camaraderie in supporting each other through it was great.
Did you keep up with Gareth Elliot? I'm guessing he did his usual thing and sprinted off at 100mph.
Nah, he didn't bomb off. We were told on endurance go too fast and we'd be disqualified. We all set a pace that was good for everyone and did it like that, we stuck together as a group.
Someone joked that he was off to do a 10k run after the test. The look in Gareth's eye said "sounds like a plan!"