VAR Farce Part Deux

It's weird. I don't think I would ever allow myself to be in a position like that if officiating with VAR. I wouldn't let someone else decide for me, I'd be adamant to go check for myself, on the advice of whoever is in my ear.
Just like you do if an AR flags something you didn’t see?

There are some great MLS cases where the pitchside has helped the ref make a decision beyond or against VAR’s suggestion - but I still think it’s a bad idea, bad concept, bad protocol.

I think pitchside would just add to the VAR circus in the EPL. And my old reasoning remains: refs have not trained 20 years to watch a TV in front if 50k people and, if you trust your AR to recommend a decision, why wouldn’t you trust a fellow SG1 to make a decision...?
A&H International