VAR again! - but a new perspective


RefChat Addict
From the Racing Post - thoughts?

    • VAR has been bad for football but worse than it needed to be in the Premier League. They have ignored the rules that say a referee’s decision should be overturned only if it was clearly and obviously wrong. This applies to all decisions, including offside, as the International Football Association Board, who make the rules, have pointed out.
      I do not criticise the VARs. They have been told what to do, and would be marked down if they did not. But what the Premier League have done potentially has a serious consequence.
      You watch a game of football. Think about that word watch. If goals are being disallowed because of things you cannot see, what is the point in watching?
      Spectators, in the ground or at home, are kept waiting for ages while VAR investigates a possible offence nobody had noticed or complained about, and if VAR does overrule the referee then everyone is shown a supposedly ‘definitive’ video clip, after which they still cannot understand why the goal has been disallowed.
      Perhaps some people leave a ground or switch off their TVs not knowing what the score was. Certainly other people do know what the score was, but do not know why it was what it was. For a spectator sport this ought to be worrying.

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