Vanishing spray

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Work hard, stay humble
Level 6 Referee
Does anyone think that vanishing spray will be as common as any other piece of kit at grass roots? Think it's a very good idea but I've never had an incident of a wall trying to creep forwards.
A&H International
Think it's a very good idea but I've never had an incident of a wall trying to creep forwards.

Jack, can I ask how many games, and at what level, you have officiated? I do not want an answer but this line indicates not many or if it is many, they have not been at OA level.

This in itself is not a bad thing, it means that you can expect to have lots and lots, I dare say every game, of walls creeping and balls creeping from where they are places.

Spray - there is a time and a place, same as for buzzer flags. When the situation dictates it then yes. Sat afternoon on local park? Well, you'll have spent £6 of your match fee on a tin that you have nothing to show for (as it is "vanishing" after all!).

It could be out that if your management of the game, and situation and overall demenour is good, they will respect your decisions and instructions and thus not be inclined to try and take an advantage; if your control and decisions have been off target in their opinion they may well try and get back what they think they are owed.

I did have people taking advantage, but then I now know it was during my bad games; having a good game I rarely have problems. Getting the ball on the spot, tellling / informing / asking them to leave it where it is and then pacing out sets a message (and if anything you can pace it back from the wall back to the ball and tell if its moved - it was 10 out but 8 back - gents, i think we have a problem here .....

All a case of perpective: some will buy the latest kit every season (I do as I wear mine out and they are tax deductable expenses!) in a variety of colours, have all the training wear, top of the range boots, 1000 whistles (inc a Molten Valkeen) and 5 tins of spray but have the match control of a gnat. All the gear and no idea.

I have a Cup Final Official shirt - if i wear it to a normal game and have a nightmare, I'm asking for trouble.

The word *&$! spings to mind.

Anyone still want to use spray on a Sunday morning?
Have to say it would depend on how long a can lasts. If it was say, 4/5 months and cost £5 then it's probably a good idea and is viable, but if it's only going to only last 2 matches then there's no point.
All about economics, innit.
I used shaving foam at a tournament at the weekend, didn't work to well at marking out lines, but I had some good banter with the players :)
Getting the ball on the spot, tellling / informing / asking them to leave it where it is and then pacing out sets a message (and if anything you can pace it back from the wall back to the ball and tell if its moved - it was 10 out but 8 back - gents, i think we have a problem here .....

Good post, HRW, and if you walk backwards from the ball when measuring out the yardage, you may never need to make that round-trip again. (Don't forget to check where you're going, mind :))
I'm all for it, but the cost of the stuff will most likely prohibit most using it. Unless it gets supplied by the competition (I suspect the PL and FL may bring it in fairly soon.) Your average L7-L3 isn't going to want to be spending £X per game on the stuff IMO

A friend has acquired some (fleabay by all accounts) and the can is tiny, yes it works and works well but I can't imagine it lasting more than a couple of games, if used sparingly.
I can get it for about £3.15 a can. It's a gimmick, once the World Cup is over it'll be forgotten about
Blooming hell! It's a good idea, but not at that price.

One can lasts two games (say). Doing 30 games per season that would make it £47.25 at Ross' cheap price. Or £90 for Padfoots! Ouch.
Gimmicks, gimmicks, gimmicks. I have one....

How about a 9.9 yard long retractable stick which the referee has. He stands in line with the ball (out the way of the kick mind) and is allowed to whack anyone encroaching within range?

1 stick might last for a good few seasons? Both cost effective and therapeutic for the referee. :D
Bit like Level 7's that use buzzer flags.....utterly pointless and will only teach bad habits. Not to mention looking like a complete prat on a Sunday morning!
Care to expand @Padfoot

On what?

The fact that using buzzers at Level 7 is an utterly ridiculous idea and is merely a device to boost the self worth and self importance of the protagonist?

The fact that when you turn up to referee your Division 5 Sunday morning league clash, with no doubt, your brand new NIKE 2014/2015 kit, shiny buzzer flags and your tin of spray resting at a jaunty angle on your hip....you are going to be taken any more seriously than any other referee at that level?
Or that sinking feeling as you watch the CAR bat the ball out of the bushes with your nice expensive buzzer flag?
Or maybe the CAR who barely moves from the halfway line will have more credibility because he now has the ability to make you vibrate?
No, how you'd look like a prat using spray designed to help you enforce the laws of the game.
Jack, What i think Padfoot is trying to say (correct me if wrong Padfoot) is;

lets look at this from both angles:

Jack: 16 year old young lad, Level 7, has done youth games as a level 8 since passing his course (possibly a year of OA depending when birthday is), has not had the joys of going into a game feeling good but then having a shocker, being threatened, ignored and at worst simply "losing" the game.

Padfoot: No age given (assumong 30ish upwards), may or may not be a referee (nothing given on profile) so could be anything from player who has a interest on the Refs side, to someone who has done many years and is here as an informed observer, or other. Either way, has been to, seen and probably taken part in may games over the years both on the giving and or receiveing end.

Jack - imagine if you will, you turn up to a game one hour before KO, shirt and tie, trousers shoes, kit in bag etc. You meet the manager of the home team and introduve yourself as Mr Prescott, the Referee for the game (smart, confident, good start). Manager will go back to his team and probably be asked who the kid in the suit is - oh he's the ref.

Get changed into your new Nike kit and head out to inspect the pitch. Probably got notebook out as you have the FA guidelines on pitch parkings etc. Grass is a bit long but hey ho, we;re not in the PL.

Assume you will then have a bit of a warm up - players now looking thinkingt - check this guy out! New kit, warming up, Nike kit and training top, he must be good.

Head back, and ask for the match ball. You get a ball - will you measure it, check the pressure, visual check for damage, check for the correct logo and weight (all are listed in LOTG).

Get out onto the pitch and see all the players, check their equiment, no earring / studs, abnds, watched, necklaces etc all good.

Ask for your assistants (CAR's we assume, if you have any at all!), offsides are all yours but I may overrule, ina n out only, everything else is mine, and you give them your £400 flags, tell them to press the button to get your attention.

Damed you look professional now don;t you, and you have given that impression so far.

KO comes and we're off. game is a bit one sided, most of it down one end. You get a buzz, look at the CAR in the end with the action, nothing, look back at the one in the empty end, nothing turn back around and a guy is on the floor in the box holding his face.

blues are screaming for a penaulty, Reds are playing on and clear it up the pitch - what you going to do? You CAN NOT give the Pen as you didnt see it, too busy looking at the AR behind you as you had a buzz.

Play goes on. blues giveing you lip / are you blind / that's the first one ref ya de ya.

Play goes on, free kick. Blow, Point, take up the position, 6yds out from pen area for the reds. Ball down, await my whistle. Spray infront of the ball, pace out 10, tell the guys 2 more back to be in line, spray infront of them. Blues shout that ball mkved forward - but you put a line there didn't you? nothing there now! you walk back no trace of the line (rubbed out with feet). Now what, Arm buzzes you look up, this CAR, that CAR, who was it. Oh yeah ball. Move it back and spray again.

Move to take a position, we all good? Arm up for IDFK, whistle up, blow, you see ball be kicked, Buzz buzz buzz buzz, seems urgent, who was it, look back, ball in net. Reds celebrating the goal, thier CAR trows flag in the air, Blues ask that it was ID wasn't it? Reds say it deflected, blues say it doesnt - you give the goal (or not).

What credability do you have? All the gear, but not got the ability to back it up.

At lower Ref levels it has been put by Messr Salmon and Blanchard that BF's are not to be used. If you learn to work with AR with normal flags you develop habits and skillso when to looka t them, when you expect to see a flag raised and how to work with your AR.

A game is all about GAME MANAGEMENT not ENFORCING THE LAWS OF THE GAME. if you enfore LOTG there will, in all honestly, not be a game to play. If you Manage the game, and the people, everyone willenjoy the game they have come to play, inc yourself.

In a perfect world they would not need us as they would never break a law. It is one of you v 30 of them. Respect is something that is earnt over time not forced by the book; Knowledge is taught, wisedom is learnt, and not in 6 games either. Took me 27 games before I had my first RC (maybe it should have been earlier but anyway). I KNEW what I had to do, but now I understand how to do it, without making 10 more enemies at the same time!

Finally as a caveat (padfoot) Jack, as I do niot know you, you may actually be the best ref theree is, and have the best game amnagement skills there are, and so turning up at a game with all the gear matches you persona.

I have a cup final shirt, and it says "Cup final Referee" - would i wear it to a gmae, not a chance. Makes me look likeI am going to be fault less, and when I do make a mistake (rarely!! lol) i am asking for trouble.
A lot of Wisdom there @HRW for a man of only 31 and I agree with almost everything that you've said. I personally have got a set of buzzers (mainly cause they were cheap):
1.) I would never give them to CAR's
2.) So far they have only enhanced my refereeing ( making me more aware of offsides from times when you wouldn't expect) they have not made me lazy in the slightest and so when people say that some refs at a certain levels shouldn't use them, I have to disagree and can happily speak from my own experiences.
I'm not sure where all this about buzzer flags has come from, I don't even own a set and never claimed to have done so.
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