U18s 5 Minutes of Hell



Had U18s last Sunday and Binned 4 players between the 85th-90th minute all from the same team. All for swearing at me and generally taking the P155 because Im only 2 years older than them.

Do any other younger referees have problems getting respect from older players ?
A&H International
Sometimes when they see your younger theyll obviusly try and take the pi55

Before each game when speaking with the captains I always say that I cant swear at them for 90 mins so expect the same

Never had too many problems, but liek ou say just get the cards out and the rest of the players will qucikly learn
I found the best weapon in this situation was humour.
It was very difficult when I first started on adult football, confidence and humour got me through it. Don't let them intimidate you, just be firm. If they step out of line, deal with it how you see fit
Funnily enough, about 2 weeks ago, I had more or less exactly the same situation. Between the 70th minute and the 80th minute, I sent off 4 from the home team, wich was incidentaly my home town, all for OFFINABUS. They were again all older than me.

I don't do much adult middles, but I find that on the line, it is difficult sometimes to gain their respect, especialy because I'm younger. I just tend to tell them '' not to bully the little kid''. Usually works, although theres always the odd one who can't accept that a young official can officiate in their game.
Have to say that i disagree with young (under 18) ref's refereeing age groups older than themselves.

For precisely this reason.....always going to be on the back foot from the start in terms of earning the respect of the players......not saying it's right, just the way it is.

Once a ref turns 18, they should be gently introduced into Open Age, not just turned loose. Fair few lines if possible, some Ladies matches, Vet's and definitely accompanied by a mentor for the first 2 or 3 OA Sunday league games........
Im 19 and still have these problems at U17/U18 getting respect.
Im 19 and still have these problems at U17/U18 getting respect.

How can you be 19, when it is your original post that states..."..because Im only 2 years younger than them."?

Either you are 2 yrs younger than U18's or you're not?

Which is it, young man?
Ill tell you what is is its me being a dopey idiot i meant 2 years older than them lol

I stand by my earlier post about younger referees etc etc

But in your case.....grow a beard....amazing how much more "life experienced" you can look with a beard!

Seriously.....you just have to project an aura of calm confidence, even if you are in duck mode (think how peaceful a duck looks on a water, when in reality it's little legs are going 10 to the dozen to make him move). Be confident in your decisions, good strong whistle, good strong signals, etc

Of course if you are a 19 yr old that looks 16....it's always going to make things harder. Not sure if it's a good thing but i have always looked older than i am.....probably good at 18/19 not so good now i am in my 40's!