Junior/Youth U12 Semi Final Issues


Well-Known Member
Level 4 Referee
Ran the line today for the first time on an u12 semi, player gets a yellow card so gets subbed and comes running off crying and sits behind the opposition manager shouting things at them. I called the manager over and had him removed from the area before things escalated. Was this the correct thing to do?
A&H International
The player then should of received a red if he was swearing or annoying the manager not the other way round
Was that what you ment today first not manager but yes you did the right thing by having the player removed
I did tell the referee at half time and he said that it was probably the correct thing to do in that specific situation because the player was getting more and more worked up and could have led to something more serious. i was just curious to what everyone else would do.
To be honest to play it safe I would have alerted the referee straight away and let him deal with it....
If the substituted player's behaviour hadn't reached the point where you had no choice but to call the referee over and advise him the player had committed OFFINABUS, then preventing that happening by suggesting to his manager that he be moved somewhere else was, in my opinion, superb management of the situation.

Provided of course that you didn't in some way lead the manager to believe you were ordering him removed with the authority of the referee.
shouldn't you have alerted the referee to the situation and let him deal with it?

He was the AR on that side of the field, he had every possible right to advise that the player leave the technical area. Generally an AR will assume the duties of technical area management, at least from what I've heard from most refs (and my very limited AR experience).
He was the AR on that side of the field, he had every possible right to advise that the player leave the technical area. Generally an AR will assume the duties of technical area management, at least from what I've heard from most refs (and my very limited AR experience).

must admit, i 've yet to encounter an official technical area, - palm sunday should be fun :)

interesting point, Evan, about responsiblities of asst ref. most would, i think, agree that asst ref does what ref asks him to do and i don't imagine that too many refs ask asst refs to 'assume the duties of technical area management'. asked to notify the ref about misconduct that they couldn't possibly have seen, perhaps, but not that.

that's not to say that assistant refs don't occasionally do things that ref's haven't asked them to do. personally, as a CAR and an assistant ref i have asked plenty of people to move behind the respect 'cones' - even with that, on occasion, i've asked the referee to have a word with people about standing along the touchline.

clearly, one of those have to be there moments and Rainer's point about when to intercede and when not to is, i think, well made. Remember, given that this is an u12's game, some refs on here would never have issued the yellow in the first place :)

the issue here, i guess, is what things the player shouted at the opposition manager. if they could be viewed as offensive, insulting or abusive, and not just in the opinion of the asst ref, then i would argue that the asst ref has a responsibiity, not to try and resolve the situation themselves, but to inform the referee, who can then take whatever action he or she feels to be appropriate.

...and even if they are not offinabus worthy, i'd still argue on the side of informing the referee rather than getting involved directly.