Two walls

The Referee

Well-Known Member
Aston Villa appear to defend the free kick with two walls. No Arsenal player is near the main wall (left) but there's an Arsenal player lurking within 1m of the other wall (right). The free kick was scored directly and allowed to stand...Screenshot_20190922-230824.jpg
A&H International
There looks to be space between the player and the wall. Sure, maybe it's only 80cm instead of a meter, but are you really suggesting to give an IDFK here?
That angle doesn't really give the best view. The Arsenal player was pretty much touching the wall as the kick was taken. I wasn't able to get a freeze frame of the exact moment the ball was struck but I can tell you from watching the replays that the player has hardly moved from that moment, to the moment of the picture below.

We're talking about the Arsenal player on the right-hand edge of the picture and who has his hands in the back of the Villa player in the middle of the three-man wall.
You are “right” but... the law is designed to stop argy bargy around free kicks. If the players are just getting on with it, surely smart refereeing is to get on with it.

If the attacking player has committed an offence against a player, like holding or pushing, then you’d hope VAR would get it...

but penalise not being a yard from the wall when the ref hasn’t given specific instructions...? Can’t see VAR acting on that even in an international tournament.
You are “right” but... the law is designed to stop argy bargy around free kicks. If the players are just getting on with it, surely smart refereeing is to get on with it.

If the attacking player has committed an offence against a player, like holding or pushing, then you’d hope VAR would get it...

but penalise not being a yard from the wall when the ref hasn’t given specific instructions...? Can’t see VAR acting on that even in an international tournament.
You're right about the intent of the law change. However, now the Law is there, officials need to manage / penalise this offence, regardless of the attacking player's actions. Generally, this shouldn't be difficult or controversial ... when you see an attacker standing 'close' to a wall (of 3 or more) just instruct him to move away. Job done :)
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An interesting question would be what do you do if they stay a meter away but as the ball is being kicked (immediately after the whistle) they move in and nudge a defender in the wall in a way restricting the defender's movement.

Would you deal with it differently if a goal is scored or not? If you do penalise it, what is the offence? I know what I would do.

There looks to be space between the player and the wall. Sure, maybe it's only 80cm instead of a meter, but are you really suggesting to give an IDFK here?
And a yellow card. Why not? The law is there to be enforced. Let's not set precedence for another law in the book that is never enforced. Obviously when there is a clear gap then law has served it's purpose and no action is required but when the attacker impacts the wall's ability to defend, you have to take action. Not too different to when a defender in a wall runs in early and blocks the free kick 5 meters away from the spot. Its a yellow card and a retake.
An interesting question would be what do you do if they stay a meter away but as the ball is being kicked (immediately after the whistle) they move in and nudge a defender in the wall in a way restricting the defender's movement.

Easy one that, FK for the push and get on with it, just like any other foul.