True Story...

A&H International
My wife said to me, "I think we’d have less arguments if you weren’t so pedantic."
So I told her, “I think you mean fewer.”
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I was watching an Australian cookery show the other day and the audience applauded when the chef made pavlova.

I was surprised. Australians normally boo meringue.
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I bought my first ever dog from a blacksmith.

As soon as I got him home he made a bolt for the door...
I had nightmares last night because I ate too much liquorice before I went to bed!

Oh yeah, what did you dream about?

Furious sheepdogs demanded action today after thousands of ewes flocked together in the Peak District for the Ban Collie Day.
There's a bloke on my Facebook page calling himself Buster, who keeps sending me loads & loads of videos of the 1970's group,The Sweet. It's all rather tiresome now. I've tried blocking his posts but they still keep coming. :shifty:
Does anyone know a way? There's got to be a way, to block Buster.
A Dutch gentleman walks into a pet shop in Amsterdam and says to the owner that he'd like to buy a cat.

"Of course Sir, says the owner, we have lots of cats. What particular breed were you after? We have pedigree cats and mixed breed".

"Pedigree cats? enquired the gentleman. I wasn't aware we even had any pedigree cats in Holland".

"Oh yes Sir, replied the owner. For instance, we have the Groningen Ginger, the Rotterdam Rouge-hair, the Arnhem Blue and many more. These are obviously quite rare now though because of cross-breeding and so forth and so breeds like these are very much in demand and rather expensive.

"Hmmmm, says the gentleman, well I can't really afford a pure pedigree but obviously I'm keen on maintaining out national identity and heritage as much as I can."

"Tell me, he said, gesturing back towards to entrance door ....

"How Dutch is that moggie in the window?". :D