

RefChat Addict
So this weekend it has been freezing and for the first time I decided to don tracksuit bottoms instead of shorts. They are black Nike bottoms bought from A&H so in my mind there's no problem (this was a low standard match, I wouldn't wear them for anything other than an amateur game). What are the thoughts on here regarding trousers, gloves, hat etc in winter?
A&H International
So this weekend it has been freezing and for the first time I decided to don tracksuit bottoms instead of shorts. They are black Nike bottoms bought from A&H so in my mind there's no problem (this was a low standard match, I wouldn't wear them for anything other than an amateur game). What are the thoughts on here regarding trousers, gloves, hat etc in winter?
No! No! No! I only ever put gloves on once. It was for the second half of a contrib night game in West Yorkshire and @ASM was the referee. The other assistant also put his gloves on for the first time ever. It was bloody cold! Strong wind, horizontal rain and I ended up face down in the mud!!! @ASM will remember that night.
Never worn hat or track suit bottoms for a game though.
I was a centre half for 15 years and never wore gloves! Suitable tracksuit bottoms seem like a good idea to me though (And even gloves if it helps). I don't see an issue myself but it does seem that I'm in the minorty when speaking to other refs. Interestingly, the players/managers aren't bothered what a ref wears.
Do you have mobility or health issues?

If you run enough you’ll generate you own heat.
Worn gloves frequently. Worn a beanie on the odd occasion but never a hat. Never worn trousers or track suit bottoms, to me it looks unprofessional. A good replacement is warm full length undershorts. Many decent brand ones around and if they are too pricey go for the non branded ones.
Tracksuit trousers=loss of match control IMHO.

I live and ref in the frozen North. Lots of games in 0-5 degrees, a few in minus numbers. It took me a while to get over the mental block but compression shorts and/or tights are the answer for the legs. Runners' gloves for the hands (thin enough to still allow use of the pen).

Worst experience was a blizzard while with the flag in about minus 6. Had to put extra layers (tracksuit) under the shirt, three layers of shorts plus tights.
I was AR once and at halftime I put trackie bottoms on. The ref said I could not go out like that. I said, no trackies, no me.
Extreme yes, but, you simply cannot perform your role properly if you are not as comfortable as you can be.
The game was abandoned on the hour mark due to blizzard.

99 times out of 100 imo, its shorts. There is always an exception. Even Champ league games in Moscow you see the additional ARs in full trackies.
Not for me, tracksuit bottoms are a complete no no for match officials. If it was incredibly cold, and by that I mean temperatures that you aren't likely to see much in England, then black leggings are fine by me as long as they are under the shorts and socks. The two main leagues that I referee on in London both don't allow referees to wear leggings or hats, although gloves are fine.

There was a referee on the pitch next to me this morning who looked incredibly unprofessional. Tracksuit bottoms, a big coat and a woolly hat. You wouldn't let players wear any of those during the game, so why should the referee be able to? Here's a suggestion for him - if you moved out of the centre circle once in a while you might not be quite so cold ... :mad:
Trackies, never, gloves and a beanie, frequently......never saw any point in being uncomfortable, deflects focus.......
Loss of match control because you've got trousers on??? Behave, thats just PC garbage!!!

Loss of match control probably not. Loss of credibility, then I'd say more likely, and lack of credibility could lead to lack of match control if the players don't take you seriously because you look like a PE teacher rather than a referee .... :).

If a referee is doing his job properly in the middle and keeping within 10 to 20 metres of decisions he makes he should not be getting cold, if you get cold you aren't running enough. I have a lot more sympathy for assistants, who can spend spells doing very little, but not the main referee.
Loss of match control probably not. Loss of credibility, then I'd say more likely, and lack of credibility could lead to lack of match control if the players don't take you seriously because you look like a PE teacher rather than a referee .... :).

If a referee is doing his job properly in the middle and keeping within 10 to 20 metres of decisions he makes he should not be getting cold, if you get cold you aren't running enough. I have a lot more sympathy for assistants, who can spend spells doing very little, but not the main referee.
Post 6 said 'Match control'! Thats a complete different thing to credibility!!! :(
Post 6 said 'Match control'! Thats a complete different thing to credibility!!! :(

Agree, but there is a shout to say that lack of credibility could lead to lack of match control as I said in my post. Referees shouldn't be wearing anything that they wouldn't let a player wear, other than a watch of course.
Wasn't there a thread on here a few weeks/months ago regarding some referee's wearing hats etc during play? Personally I don't have an issue with gloves or leggings to wear during the winter and if I saw someone else doing it I probably wouldn't even notice. Why can players do it to keep warm but the referee can't?
Referees historically have wore trousers, a tie, a cap for far far longer than the modern perceived trousers look crap attire. Many sports employ referees in trousers and they have perfect match control and credibility. Stop pretending that they don’t. Now, I agree that refs look fine in the modern regalia but below the upper echelons does it really really matter, really, that they are forced to spend on the latest fads on someone’s yearly sponsored whim!
I know we shouldnt compare ourselves to the guys at the top but in this instance i think its safe to do so. How many times have you seen Anthony Taylor in a hat and gloves wearing tracksuit bottoms, we all know the answer. Not for me either, i have on occasion worn runners gloves on the line. Being a baldie i will wear a hat and gloves during my warm up but come match time its all gone.

As for the AAR wearing tracksuits, thats completely different, they dont move at all. Just like 4th Official.
Surely its about looking professional? It aggravates me more to see what some referees wear in the middle that might once have been black, before its been washed 1,000 times, with grey-topped socks only pulled up as high as their ankles, that arrive five minutes before a game with no pitch inspection, no briefing to CARs, no kit check (I could go on). Wearing clean, "fresh" beanie, gloves and tights? As long as they are black - crack on.
Wasn't there a thread on here a few weeks/months ago regarding some referee's wearing hats etc during play? Personally I don't have an issue with gloves or leggings to wear during the winter and if I saw someone else doing it I probably wouldn't even notice. Why can players do it to keep warm but the referee can't?

There have been threads yes. Last week in FA Cup match - Joe Hart borrowed a hat from the crowd because the sun was so low that he couldn't see.

It was clear that AR that side couldn't see either as he was frequently holding his hand over his eyes. Even my Mum noticed 'Aren't they allowed to wear caps?' she asked - Good question Mum!

Surely in this case it would have looked both more professional and would have been more efficient for the AR to don a cap?