

Well-Known Member
I have a few different options to consider regarding careers and was looking for some help. One option I have is I'm thinking of moving from Scotland to England to do my PGDE/PGCE for secondary teaching in business education.

1) does anyone know how to transfer as a referee from scotland to England (most likely manchester/Liverpool/newcastle areas)? Or would I have to redo the course and start from scratch
2) is anyone a secondary teacher that I could maybe PM to ask a few questions

A&H International
Having qualified in Scotland in 07 I simply e-mailed the Referee Devlopment Officer of the English County I wanted to join and explained the situation.
I think he fired an email to the SFA and it was all squared away quite easily.
Not sure if the Scottish version of the CRB (Enhanced Disclosure was it?) is accepted. Sure someone else will know. Although looking at your job you'll prob need a CRB anyway
@micky2001 I'm a primary teacher and whilst the two aren't hugely comparable there are obviously similarities. I love my job but the pressure on teachers at the moment is absolutely huge and grows seemingly exponentially by the year. It's the kind of thing where you have to love it if you really want to see it as a viable long-term option. My suggestion would be to get some experience volunteering in a secondary, particularly within the subject you're interested in, if you haven't already. Feel free to PM if there's anything you want to pick my brains about!!
Mr @heedmatt you want to keep an eye on your Blood Pressure mate having to soak it up during the week then refereeing at weekends

A glutton for punishment :D:D