
A&H International
Bit of a daft thing to do, long ban coming up.
As for the second link, I have no idea what to do with Twitter,
Just watched the video - looks like the player only got a 2nd yellow for the headline offence!

(watch from 07:01)
Also, I think he gives Dempsey the wrong card originally. I'm not sure.

Ignoring the fact that the second red card was an absolute shocker.
As far as the game goes, I think the first red card was harsh.

I can't see the elbow. Can anyone else?

As for Dempsey and Seattle. Lets hope an example is made of them.
Yellow card for snatching your notebook?
What bloody change do we have at grassroots level with referees like this?

...for referee assault!!
MLS you are a joke!!!! You have just sh*t on every amateur ref in the US.
Even the spineless English FA would have given more than this
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