Thigh injury


The avuncular one
aggravated a thigh injury during yesterday's game that I originally picked up playing squash. As I didn't feel I had a lot of choice, ran on it for about 60 minutes. Originally Hurt it running into the wall and stopping sharply as the game of squash tends to provoke! Felt okay for a couple of days afterwards and in the warm up yesterday it was fine. Running in some of the muddier patches of the pitch though caused it to flare up again but now with avengeance.

It's in a very odd place, feels like the tendons, inside bottom part of the leg, just back from the knee. They feel like cords under the skin. Left me with a kind of ache and occasional shooting pain down the leg.

Iced them last night and hopefully it will heal quickly. First injury of the season and it's at the business end!
A&H International
aggravated a thigh injury during yesterday's game that I originally picked up playing squash. As I didn't feel I had a lot of choice, ran on it for about 60 minutes. Originally Hurt it running into the wall and stopping sharply as the game of squash tends to provoke! Felt okay for a couple of days afterwards and in the warm up yesterday it was fine. Running in some of the muddier patches of the pitch though caused it to flare up again but now with avengeance.

It's in a very odd place, feels like the tendons, inside bottom part of the leg, just back from the knee. They feel like cords under the skin. Left me with a kind of ache and occasional shooting pain down the leg.

Iced them last night and hopefully it will heal quickly. First injury of the season and it's at the business end!

Get some ibuprofen get on it as well as ice mate, help settle any inflammation. Particularly if it's close to the skin level, will work much better.
Having torn my thigh muscle when younger (playing rugby) from over striding, I have some sympathy with you. What I did notice was despite the injury I had complete range of movement and strength (but some pain) once I got the muscle warmed up. The outcome though was that I ended up with a malformed muscle which had a very obvious hole in it, leaving it misshapen since. It has improved with extra running over the last few years (strangely while refereeing) but still has a lump.
It's seemed to have respond well. Going to give it a try tomorrow night.
I rubbed in some deep heat on pre game Saturday. Did no good!!

But I will rub it in again tomorrow.
Usual idiocy - applied deep heat, didn't get it all off my hands, went to the loo, got some on the general, had a very uncomfortable game that day. :)
Usual idiocy - applied deep heat, didn't get it all off my hands, went to the loo, got some on the general, had a very uncomfortable game that day. :)

Lol, that has made me chuckle!

I had a similar experience once with the Mrs!
Did the game last night. No problem and feeling good... Until the last 5 minutes and it was back.

Was supposed to do a game tonight also, but have cried off as it was pretty sore this morning despite a fierce icing last night

Give it some rest and it will be better for the weekend.