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RefChat Addict
Beckham's UNICEF game at Old trafford today - Mr Collina officiating (only lasted the first half - must have been the rain!) I remember someone asking if you do / should ask the keepers if they are ready before you kick off? well, Mr C does.

B&Ireland v ROW, some great players, lagging legs, Sol Campbell injured and.....

Rolling subs! Meant that Bechkan Snr could come off and be replaced by Beckham Jnr, but then come back on and play together.

But seriously, who did the jewlery check on Ronaldinhio?
A&H International
Lovely to watch, wish all football was like that. Don't much care for watching games in general - find it a bit boring; more of a tennis fan myself - but that was class. Best match I've seen since that Soccer Aid game where Woody Harrelson scored the winning penalty. :)