The 'Sin Bin' Trial

A&H International
hopefully this will join golden goal ,silver goal or what ever it was called in fifas bin of stupid ideas. taking rolling subs and referres needing to use a can of shaving foam to control a free kick with it
It can only work if the game had a "4th" official (technically "2nd" I guess with CARs) ...

I don't like it either - but - the game wasn't created for us to referee it - it was created for players to play it :)

... every new idea starts somewhere and then gets bigger ... we might just have to accept it !
I like the principle of it but the practicalities make it impossible at grass roots level. When I briefly officiated at Powerleague they had sin bins. Managing the time the player had been off was nigh on impossible. Too much else was going on to keep a close eye on the 2 minutes. The player off the pitch would invariably hassle you about the time which was another unwelcome distraction.

I like the principle of rolling subs also to allow all the players that turn up to play to keep them motivated but as it typically means swapping CAR's, sometimes shirts (numbers get messed up), once again I do not think it translates well to park football.
Bring back the discretionary 10 yards advancement I say. The team that benefits can choose to accept or reject the offer of 10 yards.
I think that's why Alex has said it would only work with a 4th official to manage that time for you as you are quite right managing it yourself would be a nightmare. Its funny as I had a player last week who was adamant he could move the free kick forward 10 yards after I had cautioned a player for failing to respect the required distance at a free kick (first one ever may I add)
We play "indoor soccer" here during the winter a 6v6, 7v7, or 9v9 depending on the facility) that's a weird hybrid of 11v11 soccer meets the UK 5v5 game meets hockey.

It has time penalties, and they cause people grief more often than not (and by people, I mean the refs). I, personally, refuse to ref the game as it is utterly awful to ref, but will play once in a while.
I'm having a chuckle at some of the responses - 'I need help from somebody to manage this!'

No, you really don't. Ask anybody who's ever refereed Futsal.
I've refereed plenty of Futsal games there, and in that game a sent-off player can be replaced after 2min (or earlier if that team concedes a goal). Managing that is absolutely no different to managing a sin bin in outdoor - keep an eye on the clock, wave the player on.

Though once again, it's a 'solution' to a problem that shouldn't exist.

If referees were just allowed to be stricter on any of the above offences, it wouldn't be a problem. Got 8 players mobbing you for a decision? Book them all.

Handbags between 10 people? Book the half dozen that are just trying to aggravate the situation.

If referees could actually hold players accountable for their actions they'd learn, quick smart. It worked with shirt removal to celebrate a goal.

(and yes, I know we don't book all the players mobbing for dissent at once)

Referees put up with a LOT before the card comes out, and this is largely due to match control, not ruining the game, blah blah. Make a caution more significant and referees will be even more reluctant to do anything, IMO.

That, and they'll also be much more reluctant to issue a red card - 'yellow card and sin bin will do'.

Still, I'm all for using these tournaments for experimentation. Though it seems that most/all of the experiments just get rejected anyway.....
One difference is that you don't see a lot of red cards in futsal, so you don't have to deal with the time often. Also, if you've got a timekeeper, then that's the person that deals with the missing player.

Either way, there tends to be more cautions than dismissals, thus more things to juggle (potentially) with the time penalties.

Personally? I like the idea, but would prefer it done a bit more like the rugby style of things. X minutes... and then the player comes in at the next stoppage. Not during play.
Not a lot of red cards? Don't agree with that at all. I probably see just as many, if not more, in Futsal. You can also be dealing with multiple send-offs.

And as I said, often you're refereeing it by yourself.

I wonder if the player has to wait for the referee's signal? I don't like coming on during play either. If it's at a stoppage then at least you wouldn't need to hold up a quick restart. A quick wave, play keeps going.
It's not a hard thing to manage in other sports. You show the card, they go to the sideline, you start timing the bin. Time served, you tell them they can come back on.
Might be that you can't tell them until it is the next stoppage, but I can guarantee every manager is going to know exactly when their player should be returning, and is going to be ready as soon as you wave them. So it's a simple matter of looking at the bench and beckoning. Personally, I prefer waiting until the next stoppage - it's cleaner to manage, you work it like any other entry to the field, and everybody knows what has happened.
The only issue that most people have is with multiple concurrent binnings - but when you're allowed to stop the watch and are already making notes of everything, this would be much less an issue. And of course when you have a 4OFF, it's out of your hands entirely.